Chapter 5

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You, Dani and the rest of the group went on a tour around the village, looking at the beautiful carvings, buildings and the people going on with their everyday life.

The large room you were staying in was decorated with drawings and paintings, depicting the life of the villagers. You looked around at the paintings with Dani, going closer you could see how intricate every drawing was and how each part worked in harmony with the other.

You went with Dani as she walked to a part of the room which had many pictures hung. They were all women who wore big smiles and a flower crown.

"Are these the May Queens?" Dani asked, looking back at Pelle.

"Uh yes" he said. "You will actually be here for that" Pelle walked towards you and Dani, Ryan following.

"And who are the May Queens?" Josh asked, taking his pen and paper out.

"Uh every mid-summer, we have a dance competition and the winner gets crowned," Pelle explained.

"Oh wow" Dani said, she sounded slightly excited as she looked back at the winners.

You looked around to see Christian, asking Dani to come outside for a second. Slowly you went to the door and listened as Christian started to sing Happy Birthday to Dani. You heard Dani apologising for Christian and you rolled your eyes, why did she always stick up for him. You could tell she was upset. When Dani came back inside she shot a look at you of sadness before taking the candle out of a small cut of cake and eating it. Dani offered you some but you shook your head, declining the offer.

The day carried on. You, Dani, Christian, Josh and Mark, guided by Pelle, went around the rest of the village, discovering the rest of the buildings, art and nature. Before long you were all ushered back into the sleeping halls and the blinds were closed.

You sat on your bed, watching as the others prepared for sleep. Your bed was between Dani's and Mark's bed and was very comfortable.

"We have to get our beauty rest" Pelle said. "Tomorrow is a big day"

You looked over confused, unsure what big day Pelle was refusing to. Josh asked this question and Pelle explained that tomorrow was the start of the big ceremonies.

"attestupa" he said, before tucking himself in. Josh didn't seem to react to this but the look on his face showed that he knew what it was

"What is that?" Christian asked.

"It is hard to explain" Pelle said "You will get a better sense tomorrow"

As the group looked around curiously you had frozen. Attestupa was a suicide ceremony. You thought Christian studied Anthropology or something in that area and Josh wasn't saying what it was. To now know what the ceremonies, especially dangerous ones before they left were idiotic. You knew that not everyone had a cult obsessed mother, who forced you to watch every documentary under the sun about cults and their behaviours, but at least Josh should know. Your heartbeat in worry, you should have never come. You looked over to Dani, this was not what she needed, not to see more death.

The night dragged on but you stayed awake, unsure what to do. You should leave, however, it would be rude to, but again if they sent you to see the ritual take place then Dani could react badly. You bit your lip in worry and suddenly heard someone moving. You looked around to see Dani awake and looking up at the paintings. You wanted to tell her and get her away from death but you were scared, instead of watching her fall back asleep again. Soon you also fell asleep into an uneasy sleep.

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