Chapter 3

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Hey Guys Imma Need Another Favor From My Dear Readers Can You Guys Please Check Out 'Broken Promises' and the sequel to that is 'Unforgivable Lies' I'm Telling You Guys It Is Really Good And She Updates Daily Her Name Is @Rebellious24 Just In case Your Wondering But Yeah Go Show Her Some Love Also I Still Need You Guys To Still Check Out 'My Love Goes Both Ways' by @Alvyxx .

Thank You

Amber P.O.V

I looked at the house contemplating if I should go in or not, Just to see this lady face right now I have a feeling this isn't going to end pretty and all I'm going to here is a bunch of I told you so's and right now I can't deal with that.

Just as I turned around to go back to my car I heard her voice

"Amber baby is that you?"

I took a deep breathe and turned around "Hey momma how are you"

"I'm doing great baby where is that grand son of mine?" She walked over hugging me

This is weird because I thought she would have been mad at me like the rest of my family.

"He's with his Godparents." I said

"And why wouldn't you bring him here?

"Because we have things to discuss" I said crossing my arms

My mother breathed heavy "Come on in"

"Where is that BLACK boy Amber?"

"Mom here you go can you stop being racist for one minute and for the record me and your grandson is half black" I said irritated

My mom is white and my father is African American.

"I told you not to marry that druggy but you insisted against my wishes and gone and got yourself a black man I mean come on Amber first you was selling drugs and now you married a black man what do you want me to say? Your lucky I'm even talking to you."

I started crying because I married Wiz and my family just deserted me, my family wasn't to my wedding, and they wasn't even to my baby shower or the birth.

"Mom just because dad cheated on you that doesn't give you a right to hate black men mom, Wiz is different mom can't you see that?" I asked trying to hold back some of my tears but it was no point

"Black men or dogs and you know what I'm not having this conversation with you so if your still with that black druggy man please leave" my moms said in the most serious tone hurting me

She let one man change her whole input on life and that's not something you should hate all black men for just because one made a mistake doesn't mean the rest of the world is like that,

"You know what gladly you don't have to worry about seeing me or my black son again." I said as I stormed out and got in my car

I can't believe she did this AGAIN I mean as her child its like I could never come to her and tell her my problems I always had to go to dad.

When I was little and my mom found out my dad cheated he went his own way leaving me, he changed his number and nobody heard from him since for all I know he could be dead by now.

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