Chapter 8

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Warning: Mention of Violence 

Alastor's POV 

Alastor opened his front door and was greeted by a police officer. Of course Alastor was smart when it came to these situations so he put on a fake "sad face". The officer automatically recognized it as not hostile and concerned. "Alastor Le Roux? " he asked, raising a brow. Alastor nodded. "Yes, that's me officer." he replied. The officer nodded and took out his notepad. He cleared his throat. ''May I ask you a few questions about (your name)'s disappearance?" he said. Alastor shed a fake tear and looked at the officer like he was very concerned. The officer stayed non hostile and was worried. "Mr. Le Roux do you know where (your name) is?" "I see that you are in distress" "Do you know what happened to them?" he said, continuing his questioning. Alastor shook his head. "Yes and no officer" "I'm afraid to inform you that me and (your name) were held by gunpoint and they took them out of my automobile before I could do anything" "I thought they were going to take my automobile as well but they already had a get away automobile" he said, fake tearing up. His tears were very convincing, however. The officer believed his story and patted his back. "Easy there, Mr. Roux." "Us men have to be strong" "We shouldn't shed tears" he said. Alastor nodded slowly and wiped his tears. "I'm sorry, officer" "I just don't know what to do" "We were on an amazing date and then this dreadful event happened" "Pardon me" he said. The officer began to write down the information. "It's alright Mr. Roux" he said, clearing his throat. "Next question" "Have you met their sister?" "(Your name)'s sister reported them missing this morning after they didn't come home last night'' "She told us to locate you since you were the last person to see (your name)" he said. Alastor nodded. "I met her last night, yes'' "She seemed very happy that I was taking (your name) out on a date" ''I think she wants me to court her sibling" he said. The officer chuckled but then went back to being serious. "I see" "Well, I have one more question and this one is very important" he said. Alastor nodded. "Yes, officer?" he said, looking up. The officer clears his throat. "Why didn't you call the police at the scene of the crime?" "It's been a whole day" he said, raising a brow. Alastor looked at the officer. "I was worried no one would believe me because I was the one driving" "They went missing from my automobile officer" "Doesn't that look suspicious to someone that wasn't at the scene?" he said. The officer nodded but sighed. "Very" "However, so does not calling the authorities" "You do understand that you were put on the suspect list due to this, correct?" he said. Alastor nodded. "Yes, officer" "Is there anyway I can do to clear my name from the suspect list?"  he said, calmly. The officer thought for a moment then nodded. "Well, since you are calm and attentive in all this, I will remove you from the list" "You did give me some useful information and weren't hostile Mr. Le Roux" "I respect that" "Thank you for your cooperation" he said, tipping his hat. Alastor tilted his head. "You don't have any more questions for me officer?" "I don't understand" he said, confused. The officer chuckled. "The only thing you need to understand is you are in the clear" "I won't question you any further" "Instead, I have a question completely not related to this interrogation" he said, smiling. Alastor raised an eyebrow. "Hm?" "Yes, officer" he said, still very confused. The officer held out his pen. "May I have your autograph?" "I'm a huge fan and you are honestly the best radio host in the country" he said, cheerly. Alastor smiled and nodded. He signed his pen. "Bon, voila monsieur!" "Pour toi" he said. The officer nodded and left. "Thank you, Mr Le Roux" "Ya have a good day now, ya hear?" he said, getting into his automobile. Alastor smiled widely. "Yes indeedy!" he said. Oh I will haha, don't you worry, you clueless inbicile. The officer waved and drove off. Alastor chuckled to himself and adjusted his glasses. He went into the kitchen to make dinner for him and his "guest". He wondered if they would be good in jambalaya but decided to keep them alive for his own amusement. Alastor made some coffee and decided to make some gumbo. He put on his apron and turned on the radio. He hummed as he cooked. 

25 minutes later

Alastor filled up two bowls and went to the basement door with (your name)'s bowl. He waved his hand and his spell keeping the door closed disabled. However, when he went downstairs he waved his hand again to lock it again. He smiled widely and went to give (your name) their bowl. He was proud of that spell of his. His shadow smiled widely on the wall. (Your name) looked at him with a saddened face but then looked surprised to see food in their captors hands. They were surprised. "For me?" they said. Alastor nodded. "Yes darling, for you" "I refuse to let you starve" "I'm still a gentleman after all" he said, chuckling. (Your name) took the bowl and nodded slowly and looked thankful for the sudden kindness. They were so confused. "Thank you, Alastor" "I'm grateful that you are at least feeding me" "I thought I was going to die down here but it seems you have a different motive" "Why keep me down here?" "What are you planning to do with me?" they said. They wanted answers but still wanted to stay polite to not anger him. Alastor smiled widely and chuckled mischievously. "Why to assist me, of course!" he said, with playfully ill-intended eyes. (Your name) was confused and surprised but also scared. "H-Help?" "With what?" they said, shaking. Alastor's eyes lidded and he put a finger on your chin gently. He was surprisely gentle for a serial killer. He watched as your breathing quickened by the sudden touch. Mostly likely due to fear. He smiled widely again and whispered into their ear. "You have to kill for me and in return I won't kill you" "In exchange, I'll feed you, let you bath, and sometimes, sometimes, let you go outside, supervised by me, of course" "Do we have a deal, darling'?" he said, with a calm voice. Alastor held out his hand awaiting your decision. He looked excited and beamed. He loved making these kind of deals. It brought joy to his cold heart. (Your name) hesitated at first but then took his hand gently and shook it. "I-It's a deal" they said. They then pulled their hand back to be greeted with a widened smile and a dark chuckle. They then began to eat their food slowly. Alastor was extremely satisficed with this deal and got up. He dusted off his suit and straightened his bowtie. "Good" "Now, eat up" "I'll be upstairs in my smoking room" "Maybe if your good I will let you see it" he said, chuckling some more. (Your name) nodded slowly and then went back to eating. They looked so happy to have food and Alastor was happy to see someone so obedient. He went upstairs and waved his hand to disable the spell. He opened the door and then put the spell back up. Alastor then went to eat his own portion. He sat down and crossed his legs elegantly. He sipped his coffee and ate. He hummed happily for the rest of the night. Alastor did the dishes and went to bed. Before falling asleep he got lost in thought and planned his next murders but also planned his next radio show. He eventually fell asleep. His smile never leaving his face. After all, you're never fully dressed without a smile.               

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