Chapter 6

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                                                                                     August 5, 1921

Warning: Disturbing visions and blood and gore.

History Lesson: Orange Juice was invented in the 1920s.


You were running. All you could see was forest. You didn't know how you got there you just knew you needed to get out. Something or someone was after you. A dark figure was chasing you and you didn't know what to do. They had red glowing menacing eyes. You hid behind a tree. You started breathing heavily. You looked down at your feet and gasped when you noticed a dead corpse on the ground. Their organs were missing and there was blood everywhere. You sobbed uncontrollably. Did they do this? You tried to slow your fast heartbeat by taking deep breaths. You then peaked from behind the tree to see if they were gone and you were right they were. You turn around only to have a gloved hand cover your mouth. The gloves were bloody and all you could do was muffle scream into the gloved hand of your captor. You look up to see a huge wide grin on their face, which, wasn't even visible. They spoke. "Hello darling" "tsk...tsk...such a were fun to hunt though....such a beautiful doe...such a waste..." "Well! Farewell my dear!" "Hahaha!" the stranger said, laughing manically. They then took out a knife and raised it. You screamed and struggled. The cold blade pierced you over and over again. Your blood gushed all over the place as you bled out. You slowly began to lose your vision as they tore you apart with their knife. The strangers laugh was the last thing you heard before your demise. Eventually everything went black.              

Your POV

You woke up with a start. You screamed. You were breathing heavily and sweating. You panicked and looked around the room. You looked at your clock.

3 a.m.

You cursed under your breath. What was that? Why did I have such a horrid dream?Suddenly, you heard a knock on your door. "Are you ok?" your sister called out from behind the door. You didn't want to bother her. You would feel guilty if you kept her up so late. It was only a dream after all! "Its nothing! I'm ok!" "I just killed a spider!" you called back. "Oh...alright..." Mary replied. She went back to bed. Her footsteps sounding further and further away until you couldn't hear them anymore. You sighed. There was point in going back to bed since it was already 3 o'clock in the morning. You turned on the light and grabbed a book. You decided to read until morning since you couldn't sleep anymore. What was that dream even about? What does it even mean? 

3 hours later

You woke up and groaned. You got up and got dressed. Today was the day! You were going to get that job! You smiled and went to the bathroom to get ready. You then went downstairs for breakfast. Mary turned around when she heard your footsteps. "Hi sister!" "I made pancakes for breakfast!" she said, cheerfully. "They look so good!" you said. Your stomach growled. Mary laughed. She served you your portion and then she made hers. You happily ate. Mary poured you and her some orange juice. "What is that?" you asked, tilting your head. "Orange Juice...I think its called..." Mary replied. She looked at the label. "Yes Orange Juice" "Its a new invention!" "I saw it in the store and I just had to try it!" she explained. You were amazed. "Would you like some?" Mary asked. You nodded. "Of course! It looks delicious!" you replied. Mary poured you a glass and then sat down and dug into her plate of pancakes. You took a sip of the Orange Juice. You beamed. "This is delicious!" you said. Mary tilted her head. "Really?" she asked. You nodded. Mary then took a sip of the juice. "Oh wow your right!" she said. You both giggled. "So are you ready for that interview?" Mary asked. You nod. "yes I'm certain I will get the job" you replied, looking hopeful. 

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