Run away

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My take on what I think happened when Ae-gyo told Yoon-hee to run away back in season 1 during the last episode.

Ae-gyo took a deep breath as her cold hand came in contact with the black and long door handle. She had decided to face Dan-tae since she knew who she was dealing with. She knew people like him. He was a monster and if she knew him right, he would try to get rid of Su-ryeon. She wasn't useful to him anymore and Ae-gyo couldn't let that happen. It was her turn to keep the twins safe. Ae-gyo swallowed hard. She was ninety percent sure this was just the beginning of Dan-Tae's revenge, for he wouldn't stop there. No, of course, he wouldn't. After Su-ryeon, Yoon-hee, and Ro-na were next. And the list didn't stop there, but those three names were the ones she could not bear to see written on a gravestone. She would be dammed if that occurred. Ae-gyo gripped the handle so tightly, her knuckles went white. She sighed. In the end, everybody has to face karma, she thought.

She pushed the door open and looked around. His big office was empty and dark. Had the situation been different, she would have chuckled. It was so like him to hide in the shadows, to become one. She clenched her jaw as she took one step in. She could almost hear his heavy breathing as he hid like a coward. Years and years of betrayals had taught her to shake hands with the enemy while planning how to end them. Dan-tae had been a great teacher. He was the biggest backstabber she had ever dealt with after herself. Walking into the room felt like walking into a war zone. She could feel his prying eyes on her, following her every move as though she was his prey. Suddenly, she heard the crack of the floor and her fears came true. She felt his strong arms around her as he pressed the knife into her flat belly. She almost smirked. She was expecting him to stab her in the back. That was more like him. Dan-tae pushed the knife deeper into her stomach. When he felt her knees going weak, he let go of her and she collapsed on the floor. She gasped as she tried to move, but before she could try anything, the killer did what he knew best. He stabbed her in the back. She grunted and in the blink of an eye, the shadow was gone.

"Thank you. I know the way," Ae-gyo heard that voice coming from the living room. She gasped not in pain but shock. No, no, no. Not her. It couldn't be possible. She thought. She shook her head in denial as she tried to move, but the pain was unbearable. She could barely breathe. She heard her unmistakable footsteps and not long after, the door opened. She heard her gasping. She couldn't see her face, but she knew her enough to picture all of her facial features. "Shim Su-ryeon?!" she called her, shocked. Her eyes were glued to the knife on her back. Her heartbeats were echoing in her ears. No, please. No! That was all she could think of as she approached her. The blood drained from her face when she knelt next to the woman. She put her right hand around the metal weapon and pulled it back carefully. The impostor groaned. The pool of blood on her expensive clothes sent shivers down Yoon-hee's spine. Ae-gyo felt her soft and comforting hands on her arms as she had felt so many times before. She closed her eyes as Yoon-hee flipped her around softly, afraid she may hurt her even more. Ae-gyo looked at her but Yoon-hee's eyes were fixed on her wounded stomach. The panic and shock on Yoon-hee's face made her blood ran cold. She promised herself she would never hurt Yoon-hee like this. Yet Dan-tae made her break her promise.

"N-no! Please, don't die! Don't leave me!" Yoon-hee said, holding her closer to her. The younger woman held her hand in hers as she tried to keep her warm. "Su-ryeon, you can't die. Don't do this to me," she repeated between sobs. Ae-gyo breathed with difficulty. Yoon-hee wiped the tears away as she realized the woman in her arms was trying to speak. "W-what? I can't hear you," she said with a broken voice. Yoon-hee wanted this to be a nightmare. Yes, a bad dream from those she would wake up yelling and crying only to find comfort in the arms of Su-ryeon.

"R-run. Run away," Ae-gyo whispered, looking at her. She could feel it was her last breath, but she didn't care. She couldn't just leave Yoon-hee all by herself. She knew how important she was to Su-ryeon and she needed to save her. Yoon-hee looked down at her with tears in her eyes. Ae-gyo wished she could kiss her tears away, but life wasn't that nice. It was ironic to look at someone for the very first time and then to look at the same person for the very last one. Her heart was breaking to see Yoon-hee so hopeless. If she only knew Su-ryeon was alive. If she only knew she wasn't losing her loved one. Ae-gyo stretched her hand out as she tried to touch Yoon-hee's cheek. Ae-gyo flinched. Everything hurt and she knew she was running out of time. Her eyes were closing little by little. She never thought she would be this lucky. Dying in the arms of someone you trusted and cared for was everything she could ever ask for.

"Help! Please, somebody help me! You won't die, unnie. You can't leave me. Remember what we planned? I can't go to California all by myself, can I? Think of the twins and Ro-na," Yoon-hee said, rocking her back and forth as if she were a baby. Yoon-hee put the older woman's head against her chest. Ae-gyo nearly smirked. She was so happy to hear that Su-ryeon was giving them a shot. Every time Ae-gyo watched them from afar, she would tell Su-ryeon how obvious their feelings for one another were. Every time she tried telling Su-ryeon about how cute they looked together, the woman would blush and change the subject at once. Yoon-hee put one of her hands on Ae-gyo's hair as she kept on yelling for help. Ae-gyo closed her eyes. The redhead's heartbeats and the laugh that in other circumstances made her smile were her favorite symphony.

"Leave now," Ae-gyo muttered. Her hand touched Yoon-hee's cheek. She left a bloodstain all over her clothes and face. Yoon-hee shook her head no as the fat tears blurred her vision again. Ae-gyo coughed. She needed to warn Yoon-hee that it was a trap. She needed her to leave immediately. Yoon-hee had to take her daughter and Su-ryeon away from Korea or else they wouldn't be safe and God knew they deserved to be happy. Her right hand fell from Yoon-hee's wet cheek to the woman's dark open blouse. She gripped it tightly. "Go," she whispered as confidently as the remaining air in her lungs allowed her to. She couldn't do this to Su-ryeon. She had promised her she would look after Yoon-hee when they realized Dan-tae was using her.

"Please, don't die on me," Yoon-hee said again, her heart breaking into thousand pieces as she witnessed how one of the most important persons in her life died. She wiped some tears away with the back of her hand as she leaned in and kissed her forehead. "No! No! Somebody please call 911!" Yoon-hee yelled with all of her strength as though it would bring her back. She could hear her screams echoing in the Penthouse, but not once did someone come to help. She yelled over and over again until she ran out of tears. The pain of her heart soon mirrored the pain of her soul. That night not only her lover had died. A part of her did too. The only difference was that its body was never found, for it left with the impostor.


It's so angsty. I know. But I needed to write this down haha.

🚨Spoilers 3x02🚨

Did you watch last night's episode? I have to be honest, it's getting too predictable. Now everybody has a twin! Where is Seol-ah's twin looking for revenge? 🙄🤣

Also, I'm not having material to work with, so if you have any idea, please let me know.

Have a nice one! 😘✨

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