Off the cliff

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🚨 SPOILERS 3x01 🚨.
Do not read if you haven't watched the episode yet!

"Did you do it?! Did you kill Logan?!" Su-ryeon asked Seo-jin, furiously. The younger woman frowned.

"What are you talking about? I had nothing to do with that!" Seo-jin replied, almost offended by what the taller woman was implying. She averted her eyes. Oh Yoon-hee snorted.

"Did Joo Dan-tae ask you to help him?!" Yoon-hee asked her, coldly. Su-ryeon stepped forward and Seo-jin took a step back. She nearly slipped. The floor wasn't as firm as it was before. Both women were cornering her. Seo-jin's eyes widened. She glanced over her right shoulder and noticed that she was about to fall off the cliff. She swallowed. "Speak!" Yoon-hee demanded, shouting.

"Why would I kill him? Has it ever occurred to you that maybe this murdered killed him? She killed your daughter after all," Seo-jin said, looking at Su-ryeon. The older woman glared at her as she took another step forward. Seo-jin's jaw dropped. She was going to fall off. She was about to stretch her hand out to Su-ryeon when Yoon-hee stopped her.

"Don't you dare touch her," Yoon-hee warned her, crossed. They were inches away from each other. Seo-jin frowned again. What was this? Since when did Yoon-hee care so much about Shim Su-ryeon? She stole a quick glance at Su-ryeon and noticed the small guilty smile on her pale face. What was going on? What had she missed? She wondered. From the corner of her eye, she saw Su-ryeon unfolding her arms as her right hand went to Yoon-hee's lower back with an unbelievable familiarity. Following Su-ryeon's gentle touch, Yoon-hee stepped back and took her original position next to the twins' mother.

"Do not taste my patience, Cheon Seo-jin and answer the damn question," Su-ryeon said as coldly as the breeze surrounding them. She took another two steps forward and Seo-jin took one back involuntary. Under her feet, she  felt the loose stones falling off the cliff. Her right hand went to Su-ryeon's collar as she gripped it tightly. Su-ryeon was the only thing keeping her from falling. Yoon-hee noticed Su-ryeon's lack of balance and hurried to grab her hand, keeping her in place.

"Be careful," the redhead whispered, holding her hand in hers and taking a step closer to the taller woman. Su-ryeon nodded, but didn't look away from Seo-jin. Yoon-chul's ex-wife frowned. This was the second time she noticed Yoon-hee's overprotective instincts. Her brown eyes went to Yoon-hee's hand. She didn't know Su-ryeon very well, but she knew her enough to know that she did not like being touched. In fact, she seemed to be allergic to it. However, for some unknown and strange reason, the older woman didn't seem disturbed at all by Yoon-hee's actions. On the opposite, she seemed comfortable. Too comfortable for her liking. Suddenly, it all made sense.

"Shim Su-ryeon, think about it! It makes much more sense if Oh Yoon-hee killed him! I've seen the way she looks at you. She's clearly in love with you and Logan was in the way, wasn't he?!" she said desperately as she looked at the redhead woman. Yoon-hee let go of Su-ryeon's hand at once. It was too risky to confirm Seo-jin's suspicions. If she knew about them, she could use their relationship to destroy them. Su-ryeon flinched at the sudden action. She missed her touch immediately.

"What are you talking about? Did you lose it for real? I thought it was a façade," Yoon-hee said, snorting. She folded her arms across her chest.

"See?! She's not even denying it! She's a murderer! Killing is becoming second nature to her!" Seo-jin said, gripping Su-ryeon's clothes. Su-ryeon raised an eyebrow and her now free hand went to Seo-jin's. She grabbed her wrist and took her dirty hand off her. Seo-jin stepped back. She was at the edge of the cliff now. One more step and that was it. Seo-jin tried to grab her clothes again, but Su-ryeon wouldn't let her. "She's a psycho! She wanted to become you, remember?!" Seo-jin shouted.

"Shut it!" Su-ryeon yelled, losing her temper. Seo-jin obeyed. She was in no place to infuriate her. Seo-jin clenched her jaw and stopped fighting back. "Last chance. Did you kill him? Did you help Dan-tae?"

"No. I swear to you I didn't! I had no idea he was dead. She told me about it when we were in jail," Seo-jin replied, looking at the redhead. Yoon-hee looked back at her as though she was bored. Su-ryeon looked at the woman standing next to her. Yoon-hee felt her familiar eyes on her and tilted her head to the left. Their eyes found each other like they always did. Su-ryeon had to bit her lip to stop the smirk on her face. Yoon-hee nodded to her as she agreed to carry on with the plan. Su-ryeon sighed and looked back at Seo-jin.

"There's a small problem. We don't believe you," Su-ryeon said. Seo-jin looked from Yoon-hee to Su-ryeon in confusion.

"W-What does it mean?" Cheon Seo-jin asked them, scared.

"It means bye bye, Cheon Seo-jin," Su-ryeon answered, letting go of her wrist as she pushed her with her left hand. Seo-jin's eyes widened as she fell off the cliff. Her screams were interrupted by the swell and the wind. Both women watched her fall in silence.

"I think she knows about us," Yoon-hee said when they saw her disappear into the ocean. Su-ryeon swallowed. She put her hand in Yoon-hee's right back pocket as she brought her closer to her. Yoon-hee looked at her. "I'm sorry. I'll be more careful next time."

"Honey, don't be. I like it when you act on your feelings. It's very charming," Su-ryeon said, shyly. She gave Yoon-hee's backside a squeeze and both women chuckled before Oh Yoon-hee's lips crashed against Su-ryeon's in a tenderly yet hungry kiss.

Express update since I couldn't stop thinking about this!

P.S. I'm sorry for any mistake you may find. I was quite excited about it haha.

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