~ Venice Chase & Meeting the North Wind ~

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Kitty and the penguins got out of Dave's submarine and they were standing at the edge of the submarine in their battle stance.

"Alright, guys, it's just like Cuba. Taxi!" Skipper called out as they jumped from the umbrella to umbrella and landed on a canoe.

"How about some music? Something chase-y."

Kitty gave the man a silver coin as he started playing the chasing music while the boys started to paddle with Kitty on a lookout.

"Here they come!" she warned.

Three octopuses were spotted as they chase after them, causing the boys to start paddling faster and Private ushered them to go even faster.

"Stroke! Stroke! Stroke again! Stroke some more! Stroke! Stroke! Stroke! Stroke! Sorry! Stroke! Stroke! We got baddies, six o'clock."

Kitty looked to see the three octopuses control the poor paddler man as they quickly paddle towards them.

"Kitty, Kowalski, battle formation."

Kowalski jumped onto Kitty's head as Skipper jumped onto Kowalski's flipper with the paddle oar in his flipper.

"So you squeegees want to do the gondola mambo? Let's dance."

Suddenly, the black ink squirts into Skipper's eyes as the two octopuses high fives each other.

"Mother-of-pearl, that stings! I've lost visual. Kowalski, be my eyes."

"Uh, left. Right, right! Up! Duck." Kowalski guided as Skipper ducks and the man opened the window angrily, hitting the octopuses.

"I think I got 'em."

"They are down, sir."


"Skipper!" Private shouted, causing Kitty to look back to see the octopus swimming closer.

"They're back up!"

"And we are running out of canal." Kowalski added.

"Parker Posey! Go all-terrain."

The penguins quickly lifted the boat up with the oars before the octopus could reach them and started using them as walking sticks to move across the people who are sitting in a table. Then the octopus took the oar from Skipper.

"We've lost engine one!"

"And two and three." Kowalski said as the other oars are taken away.

"Four!" Private exclaimed as his last oar was taken and the boat took air and landed on the mope head.

"Switch to emergency power." Skipper said.

"Aye, aye, Skip!" Kitty said, starting the engine and moving along.

"We've got melons! Dead ahead!" Private warned.

"Rico!" Kitty said.

Rico coughed out a fish and she uses it as a boomerang and tossed it, unlocking the back as the melons started rolling and they used it as a ramp as they went flying in the air. The canister came out of Rico. The sock cleaned Skipper's eyes from the ink.

"I can see. Rico, the glowy thing!"

Rico quickly grabbed it and swallowed it again, shocking the octopus who's about to get the canister and didn't expect him to do that. The sock covered Skipper's head.

"Venetian blinded again!"

They bounced off the canapés before landed back on the mope head as the octopus landed in their boat.

The Purrrfect Guy (Classified x Kitty)Where stories live. Discover now