Chapter Nineteen: Lover's Quarrel

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(Y/n)'s POV 

I turned to the side, inhaling the morning breeze as I heard the birds chirping from outside. I opened one eye and flinch, almost tumbling out of the bed. "Goodness gracious, you scared me!" I yelp and glared while getting up, Nikolas's eyes still fixated towards me.

"Good morning, (y/n). I'm sorry for giving u quite a fright, I just couldn't help but admire your pretty face." he chuckled to himself, reaching towards my face and drawing back a strand of my hair to my ear.

I rolled my eyes and brushed his compliment off, taking a step on the floor as I froze. The sudden realization hit me like a lightning bolt with my face turning scarlet. "Am I in someway nude, Nikolas?" I asked with a hint of unease, not being able to turn around to look at him.

"You're very much so, my dearest (y/n)." he answered back. With all the confidence I had left, I turned around to face him. "So...we did that?" I questioned, the words coming out of my mouth with a tumble. I was in disbelief, yet I remember it so vividly.

Nikolas opened his mouth but came to a halt after we heard a knock. The door twist open before I could even answer. Nikolas jumped forward and hugged me tightly, covering up my body with his. "Am I intruding into something?" asked a voice, I tilt my head to the side to meet eyes with Aleksander with a loathing look.

Nikolas croak his head to the side and furrowed his brows, "Get out! Get out now!" Nikolas yelled without Aleksander reacting to any of his brother's fume and kept nonchalant. "Then please do your session for later. I do not like my time being wasted, I'll be waiting for lady (y/n) at the library." Aleksander explained briefly, turning to his heels and leaving the room.

Nikolas let go me as I let out a sigh of relief, while digging my nails to the linen sheets. "Well, I have to get dress now Nikolas. I'll call in the-" my words was abruptly stopped by Nikolas's hands gripping firmly on my arm. I stared right at him with a raised brow, "Please don't go," he whispered and pulled me closer.

"I missed you, and I wouldn't want you gone." Nikolas stroke his fingers to my shoulder blade, making me shiver. I shook my head and pushed him away and got up, covering up my body with the white sheets. "I can't keep prince Aleksander waiting, I must go Nikolas. You know how much of a busy man Aleksander is." I explained with a followed sigh, ringing the bell beside the bed to call for the maids.

"Have you been sleeping with my brother as I was gone, (y/n)?" Nikolas asked with a sullen look, the blue eyes that stared right at my soul felt like a hundred daggers that swoon around me. "How could you accuse me of that? I would never!" I gasp with wide eyes.

Nikolas got up from the bed and walked towards me, "I almost lost my life in that ship, my dearest. So you better be telling me the truth, (y/n)!" Nikolas pressed further with his accusation towards me. "I told you, I didn't! Why are you so stubborn!" I snapped back with a feet forward.

"I'll make your family suffer if you don't tell me the truth, (y/n)!" Nikolas scowled and shook both of my shoulders violently. I yanked his arms away and staggered backwards with both hands gripping on the table for balance.

"I wished I never married you, you're an awful person! I hope you burn in hell!" I yelled with a sob, the tears that dared fall making me feel weak and blur my sight. I felt a sharp pain across my face, the sudden weight of Nikolas's hand knocking me back on the bed with dubiety.

I caressed it with my palm and looked back up slowly to see a frown across Nikolas's face. His eyes darted down on his hand, keeping him occupied. He looked back at me and caressed my cheek with apologetic eyes, "I'm sorry, (y/n), I...I didn't know what got in me." he bit down on his lips with both hands squishing my cheeks.

I pushed him away and crawled in the bed backwards with fright as the door opened with Andrea and the other maids peeking inside, but no sight of Liv. I gripped on the blanket tight and lowered my head, biting back the tears. Nikolas glared and left the room in a hurry, leaving me with maids that gave me pitiful eyes.

Andrea spoke to me, whispering sweet nothings and assurance. I plastered on a forced smile and looked around with the maiden's eyes in pure awe, "Thank you, ladies. You all did a wonderful job." I said in ecstasy.

I left the room and walked inside the library to see Aleksander sitting on my spot with a book in hand and a tapping feet. I bowed my head low as I heard him shut the book close, "Ah, lady (y/n). Good timing, please sit down." Aleksander beckoned me from the chair across from him.

"Is there something you need of me, your highness?" I asked, he looked up at me and stopped himself to speak. "What happened to your cheek? There's a huge red mark." he pointed with a concerning gaze.

I touched it lightly and turned my head away and chuckled nervously, still feeling the wave of shock from what had occurred. "It's just an...allergic reaction, your highness. There's no need to worry." I lied, looking back up at him to meet his hazel eyes.

He nod his head in understanding and spoke, "Lady Liv has been missing since yesterday night. The last time she was seen was at her chamber. Do you perhaps have any idea on where she is?" Aleksander asked, tapping a finger to his cheek. "I don't your highness." I shook my head no in reply to his question.

He leaned back on the chair and sighed, "If lady Liv hasn't been found in about 3 days, we would have to replace your lady-in--waiting of choice after all the trouble u had to went through with the lady. Andrea would also be filling her position for the time being, lady (y/n)," Aleksander explained and stood up while I followed suit, "I'll also let the maids give u an ointment for your...allergy, lady (y/n)." he added, still doubtful of the red mark on my cheek.

"Thank you, your highness." I curtsied and smiled in appreciation, Aleksander bowed back and left the library.

I walked out of the quiet library after a few minutes to recollect my thoughts and Andrea hurried herself beside me. "Your highness." she curtsied while I looked straightforward, "Where's Nikolas?" I asked. Andrea didn't reply for a moment and looked at me with doubtful eyes, "Well, he's at his studies your highness." Andrea finally replied as we heard a loud thud coming from the end of the hall.

A few servants crowded the room and jumped back as a chair flew out the door. I stopped from my tracks in surprise, the soft cushioned chair crashing on the wall and falling into particles. "Your highness!" Sophie called out for me, hearing Nikolas screaming in anger and more loud banging and crashing.

The servants turned to me and ran towards me, "Please help us your highness! The crowned prince won't stop breaking his things!" Sophie cried, squeezing my hand in eager.

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