Chapter Twelve: Princess Eirene

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A month had passed since Nikolas left. Without him, my world fell quiet once again. The peace I always craved for, and to let my thoughts linger anywhere without worry. I suppose being married wasn't that bad. In the meantime, I always reside myself in the library.

I had formed some bond with queen Amanda, and when she doesn't have much duties to attend we would have pleasant tea times in the evening or morning inside Nikolas's garden. Today was supposed to be the day a new maid would arrive, her majesty the queen said that Nikolas forbid any male workers and butlers to assist me but only the female ones.

Being aware of that information, I was finally able to breathe through this castle walls. Ever since I had arrive here, all male servants had did their best in avoiding my gaze or just me in particular. I was excited today, for I would finally have someone that would stay by my side at all times like Imelda.

From what I heard, she was a lady-in-waiting. I befriended a few of the maids here in the imperial palace, and a lot of them said that the assistant would be a vile one. Though, as far as rumors go, I was a doubting Thomas and I believe in things until I see them in my own eyes.

I sat down on the usual spot in the library, right beside the large windows with a book in hand and a freshly brewed coffee. Though, I couldn't seem to emphasis on the book, even if I read it out loud. I gazed around, scanning the large library rich with knowledge and magic.

I heard a loud snore coming from the back of the shelf just across from where I sat. I jumped back in surprise and got up from my seat, slowly putting down the book.

I tiptoed my way over and peeked to see Aleksander sitting on the floor with piles of books beside him. He snored once more, confirming my suspicion that it was just the sleeping prince himself. I kneeled beside him and just before I poke could him on the shoulder, his gloved hand caught my wrist with opened eyes.

Aleksander set his gazed right at me with a puzzled look on his puffy eyes. "Lady (y/n), what are you doing?" he asked and let's go of my hand. He sat back up and fixed his hair while he piled the books by his side. "I'm sorry, I...I didn't know what I was doing." I said and got up from my knees with my fingers fiddling with the loose threads of my dress.

Aleksander got up as we exchanged each other small, awkward smiles. "I always see you around here, lady (y/n). Though, I don't expect you to be here this fine evening since you'll be meeting your new assistant, yes?" he asked while he fixed the wrinkles from his navy blue vest and the long sleeves from his white blouse.

"Yes, your royal highness. It's just the lady hasn't arrived yet, so I thought I could pass the time here." I nod my head slowly while I explained. "Ah, I see." he responded while we walked to the table I always sat at, with the steaming hot beverage beside my book.

I picked it up and nudged it forward, "You must be tired, your highness. You can have my coffee, I swear I haven't drank it yet!" I said cautiously, Aleksander shook his head no and pushed my hand gently away.

"My apologies, lady (y/n) but I cannot accept your offer. I do not like coffee." he waved a hand, I nod my head in understanding and placed the beverage down on the table. I turned to him, his eyes busy looking at his pocket watch. "Your...your royal highness, are you busy at this time?" I asked with sweaty palms.

He closed the gold pocket watch and slid it inside his pocket, with stern eyes gazing back at me. "What is it I can do for you, lady (y/n)?" he asked with his hazel eyes fixated on me. "I wanted to ask if you got any news about Nikolas since his departure?" I responded with a sanguine expression, though I surely didn't know what the answer could be.

It could be that he defeated the gigantic monster, or he perished deep inside the ocean and never to be found again. Although a month had passed, my feelings for Nikolas only grew stronger. Maybe it's because I was going crazy, or it was actually a reality. Yet, I can't seem to accept it without mixed emotions.

"He and princess Eirene are fine from what I've heard." he replied calmly, "Pardon? Princess Eirene?" I questioned, tilting my head to the side. Aleksander nod his head, "Did you not know the princess was on board? Did Nikolas not tell you that?" he questioned with the same perplexed look as I was.

"No, your royal highness. He didn't mention a maiden boarding on ship, and isn't that dangerous?" I asked with a hand covering my mouth, thinking of the worse for the lady. "Princess Eirene is a skilled fighter, she's as tough as the knights. I'm sure there would be no problem with that, lady (y/n)." Aleksander gave me a small, reassuring smile.

"I...I see, thank you for your time, prince Aleksander." I said with a curtsy, "Have a lovely afternoon, lady (y/n)." he bowed his head and left, leaving me all alone inside the library.

So it was true, that the princess from the kingdom of Walsh was a warrior. Many had criticized her for training like one of the knights, but some excused her brave attitude from her beauty. Princess Eirene, a woman with beautiful and long, red hair and skin as white as snow and a perfect figure.

Many knights and noble men alike had tried to capture her heart, yet she was never interested in any of them. It somewhat gave me a spite, to think that Nikolas never told me about the princess being on board was disappointing.

I shook my head and sipped the freshly brewed coffee, trying to keep my mind at ease and not jump to any conclusions.

The door to the library suddenly opened as I turned around to see Andrea, one of the maids that I became close with step inside. "My lady, the lady-in-waiting has arrived." she announced.

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