Chapter 3

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{Alexa's Outfit}

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{Alexa's Outfit}

Out and about in the French Quarter, Alexa is jogging around wearing her hair in a low ponytail. She stops jogging for a little while.

"Hello, Alexa." Klaus says.

Alexa looks at him and gently smiles. "Hi, Klaus."

"Can we talk?" Klaus asks.

"Yeah." Alexa says.

"So, what was with the purple thing?" Klaus asks.

"You wouldn't believe me." Alexa says.

"Try me." Klaus says.

Alexa looks at him, reluctantly. "I have Faerie magical powers."

"Faerie magical powers?" Klaus says, a bit confused.

"Yeah. Sounds weird, huh?" Alexa says.

"A little." Klaus says.

"Yeah. I'm human with Faerie magical powers." Alexa says. "It was nice chatting with you."

"How about a drink? My family home?" Klaus says.

"Okay. See ya, Klaus." Alexa says, and jogs away.



Walking inside her apartment, Alexa sees her best friend, Skylar, sitting on a U-shaped sofa.

"Skylar." Alexa asks, closing the door.

"Hi, Alexa." Skylar says. "Nice U-shaped sofa, huh?"

"Yeah. I like it." Alexa says, slowly walking to Skylar and sits down beside her.

A knock is on the door. Alexa gets up and walks to the door. And opens it. A compelled delivery guy is there.

"Hello? Are you Miss. Alexa Holland?" The male delivery guys says.

"I am." Alexa says.

The compelled male delivery guy gives her a an envelope. Alexa gently takes it. The delivery guy walks away. Alexa closes the door.

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