Vsoo- Love is poison.

638 41 5

Ship - Taehyung x Jisoo

Requested by- Vsookool

Topic - Love is poison

Total words - 1278 (It's a short one)

It is said that every
wounds heals with time, how much deep or how much pain it causes

But why does the wound in
my heart never heals, time
keep on passing but by the
time the scar she gave me just
keep deepening

Whenever i thought of her,
my heart hurts, tears form in
eyes; just why don't my
wound never heal

Isn't there a medicine i can
use to just vanished this pain

Unlike other wounds i got;
why doesn't this wound never
bleed, why does it hurt more
than the ones that bleeds

After all these three years,
the one thing i understand
is that

Love is poison

And the pain we got from
love never heals

Just why don't it never heals,
I'm tired of everything,

Just give me something that
will make this pain, this wound
and this suffering would

I'm coming back but
will my appearance bring back your pain, your

I don't even know
if you even remember me, do
you move on or are you just like me, not able to move on.

If i come back and stand
before your eyes, will you hug me or will you slap me?

I'm coming back, whatever
happens i will accept it thinking it as my fate,

But before i leave this

Will you atleast forgive

The rain was crying with them, the every drop of the rain have witnessed everything, their pain, their suffering and their love towards each other.

But the rain can't do anything other than crying with the couple whom in some minutes will separate.

"Why are you leaving me"

After a long silence of staring at each other, enjoying their last moments. Taehyung's lips parted; saying the words he never thought he would, but silence answered his question.

Irritation, hurt, Broken, sadness, anger, were the only word worth describing their situations. Aren't feelings and this word called love troublesome.

Why did God even made this word 'love' if it will only cause sadness. Why did god made this poison called love?

"Answer me" he snapped clenching his fist tightly, so that he wouldn't give up and hug the girl for the last time.

"S-sorry" That was the only words that left Jisoo's mouths, before stepping closer to her boyfriend and resting her head in his chest allowing his scent to filled her nose for the last time.

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