Sookook- It's your fate

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Ship - Jisoo x Jungkook (Sookook)

Requested by - aleesa_010109

Title - It's your fate

Words count - 2012

"Jisoo dear, now sign your marriage contract" The women in her late fourtys said giving a warm smile to her soon to be daughter-in-law.

Although, it was just to sign her name in the contract paper in front of her eyes, Jisoo couldn't help but sigh, her only sign will turn her life upside down, the dreams she have had about her marriage life will be in chaos, and the person whom she wished to marry was probably not the guy sitting in the opposite site of hers.

With the shaking hands, Jisoo took the pen and position herself to write her name in the contract paper. For the last time, she brought her head up and stare at her soon to be husband emotionless face, who was once her best friend.

She wandered if Jungkook's parents torture him the same way her parents did to her to agree to his marriage to just freaking full filled the promised their parents made when they were only little.

The tear that she was holding for so long break down, falling to her cheeks but before it can fell to the contract paper, she wiped it and quickly sign the contract and put the pen down.

"Now Jungkook you can sign it"

Jungkook look at his mother with the same emotionless face, asking her for the last time to say 'Don't sign it, it was all a joke'  and for all to broke into laughter including Jisoo, his best friend but nothing like that happen instead his mom just nodded with the same serious face.

Next, he look to his father who was the same and at last he turned his gaze to Jisoo who was trying her best to hold the tears which was threatening to come out. He know she was pleading him with that eyes to not sign the paper, but he couldn't help it, although he was her last hope.

He signed the contract.

"Alright, now you two are married" Jungkook's mother Dami exclaimed happily and turned to Jisoo, whose face was now just as emotionless as Jungkook but the tears just keep on falling from her eyes and she was not stopping them. "Jisoo Dear, from today you will be living with us, with your husband and with your new family"

Great, that was the last thing Jisoo and Jungkook want to hear now, sharing room with each other will be the worst thing ever.




Jisoo look at the bathroom mirror for the last time, staring at her own reflection, her now emotionless face. Why was fate too cruel for her, what mistake she made??, what the heck did she do.

She keep on asking herself this questions but nevertheless, she never got the answers.

Accept it

It's your fate

Her mother words keep on repeating again and again in her mind as a broken tap. She always believed that there is no thing such as fate, and if there is they can make their fate themselves, and if they are tied with a thing called destiny, than one can break it and make their own destiny.

But at last, all her believing turns out as lies.

She rubbed her eyes which was full of tears and took a deep sigh looking at the bathroom door. Did I really have to sleep with my best friend. Jisoo bit her bottom lip at the thought, Bestfriend?? are they really still bestfriend, after all the things that happened, will Jungkook really want to talk or even look at her. Probably no right, or was she wrong.

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