Chapter 8: The Rescue

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    When Midoriya runs off, you are left with Iida, Ojiro, Koda, and Mineta. As you all run through the forest, you see Shoto and Bakugo and decide to go with them.

"Hey Shoto, Bakugo," you say as you go up to them.

"Hey (Y/n), are you all right?" Shoto asks you while Bakugo just makes a tic noise.

"I'm okay, are you?" You ask him.

"Yeah, I'm all-" Shoto was interrupted by a loud boom. The three of you go towards the noise.

'Students of Class A and B, you are allowed to engage in combat,' a voice says in your head, 'the students Kacchan and (L/n) are being targeted and should take extra precautions!'

Before any of you could say anything about the message, you see Dark Shadow, Tokoyami, Shoji, and Midoriya. You, Bakugo, and Shoto use your quirks as a light source to calm Dark Shadow down as soon as the villain is down. Tokoyami thanks you all and explains what happened.

"I gave in to Dark Shadow's rage when I saw how your arm flew off, Shoji, and my anger just put him into even more of a frenzy," he explained.

Then, the six of you came up with a plan to keep you and Bakugo safe.

"No! There's no way I'm being protected by you extras!" Bakugo yelled.

Asui and Uraraka came into view, and you all explained the plan to them and headed back to the camp to keep you and Bakugo safe.

"Where's Bakugo and (L/n)?" asks Midoriya.

A masked villain stands in front of the group saying that he 'magicked the two of you away.'

The next thing you know, you are being held by Dabi, and so is Bakugo. Noticing that your wings are not working, you struggle under Dabi's grip. That just causes him to grip you tighter, so you stop squirming. You see Midoriya crying about the both of you, and then your eyes meet Shoto's. You saw that he was crying, which made you cry, too.

"(Y/n)!" he cries.

"Shoto!" Shoto shoots ice at Dabi, causing him to lose his grip on both you and Bakugo. Just as you were about to go towards Shoto, Dabi pulls you and Bakugo into the portal.

"How sad for you, Shoto Todoroki," he says, going into the portal after the two of you.

    The first thing that you notice when you wake up is that you are tied up, as you tried to stretch

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The first thing that you notice when you wake up is that you are tied up, as you tried to stretch. You then noticed that you were tied up beside Bakugo, and a villain with a hand on his face was talking to him. You recognized him as Tomura Shigaraki

"Looks like you're finally up, (L/n)," he looked at you. You didn't like the way his voice sounded.

"It seems that Bakugo won't be convinced easily, but what about you?" Shigaraki asked you.

"Convinced of doing what?" you asked, confused.

"Joining us, of course," he answered. Before you could answer, Bakugo did.

"Of course she wouldn't join you, you're just another extra in the way!" Bakugo yelled. Everything that he ever said was yelled out. It's like he didn't know how to speak normally.

"Yeah, you could never recruit me as a villain! I would die before that happened," you agreed.

"I thought that you of all people would understand, you know, because of your parents," Shigaraki said, "they're horrible people, don't you think?"

"Don't you talk about my parents like that!" you snapped at him, "I mean, sure they might be busy sometimes, but they still care!"

Bakugo was looking from you to Shigaraki as this conversation went on, but he just stared at you when you started to yell. That was one of the only times that he heard you speak, and on top of that, you were yelling.

"Actually, let's just put them both back to sleep," Shigaraki said.

"Kamino Pizza Delivery," a voice said. Before the villains could answer, All Might smashed through the door.

Kamui Woods tied up the villains, and even more heroes came in.

"It must have been scary, good job on staying strong," All Might said to you and Bakugo.

All of the villains suddenly started coughing up black goo-like liquid, and so did you and Bakugo. You were met with a man with a mask on his face. He then started talking to Shigaraki about his mistake and how he had failed.

All Might came out of nowhere and punched the villain in front of you, but his punch was stopped. Kirishima called out to you and Bakugo, and Bakugo used his quirk to blast off while you used yours. You all made it safely to some place that you didn't know the name of. The fight between All Might and All for One was being broadcasted on the TV. You saw All Might get smaller. He was all skin and bones, and everyone started screaming that he could do it. His muscles got bigger, and he punched All for One. He then punched him with the other fist and yelled "United States of Smash!"

There was a lot of smoke, and when it cleared, All Might was standing with his fist up. He walked over to the camera and pointed.

"Now, it's your turn," he said.

Everyone was cheering, except Midoriya. He was crying. You thought it was weird, but didn't think much of it. They might have just been happy tears.


You and Bakugo talked with the police. You eventually went back home and started going up to your room. You heard your mother's voice, which stopped you.

"Hey honey, we were so worried about you," she smiled sympathetically at you, "how are you feeling?"

"Not good," you said, turning to look at her, "I just want to get some rest."

"Okay," she said. You went upstairs and collapsed on your bed. You tried to go to bed, but you couldn't. You decided to call Shoto.

"Shoto?" you asked, "Sorry, did I wake you?"

"No, you didn't. What's wrong?" He asked, worry in his voice.

"I, um, I can't sleep," you admitted.

"Are you alright?"

"Yeah, I guess I'm still a little shaken up after everything. Thanks for saving me,"

"Of course, I wouldn't just leave you there."

"Can you stay on the phone with me until I fall asleep?"

"Of course, (Y/n)."

You and Shoto continued to talk until you fell asleep, which was three in the morning. You were in the middle of a sentence when you fell asleep.

"I mean, I don't know, I just...."

"You just what? (Y/n)?" Shoto asked, "Oh, you must've fallen asleep. Good night, (Y/n)."

Word Count: 1,113 Words

Hello! Sorry about the inconsistency of the time that I post. I'm going to post around this time every other day starting now. How are you? Hope you're doing well.

Remember to leave feedback or if you have any ideas, I'd be glad to hear them!


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