Chapter 5: Discovery

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         By now, Kora had completely forgotten about you. You missed how the two of you used to talk and hang out together. Kora was too caught up in her new friends, and mostly Sero, to even pay attention to you anymore. At least she didn't say anything rude about you, or so you thought.

"Hey Kora, I thought you were friends with (Y/n)?" Mina asked.

"I was, but she is so boring and never wanted to go anywhere or do anything," Kora complained, "and plus, she is so clingy!"

"But she went to the amusement park with us," Mina said.

"That's just one thing," said Kora.

"Yeah, the only thing we have invited her to," Mina defended, "you know, you're not a very good friend, Kora"

"What do you mean?" Kora asked.

"You're talking about (Y/n) behind her back, and you're trying your hardest to come up with something against her," Mina explained, "you're fake!"


"Maybe you should go find some other friends," Mina said.

You were listening in the whole time by the door, so you ran off when you heard Mina say that last line. You didn't want to get caught by Kora. If you pretended that you didn't hear her, there would be less drama. You didn't like drama too much, and you almost hated it as much as loud noises. Almost.

In the classroom, you went to sit down by Todoroki. He had opened up to you a bit more since that day at the amusement park. You had also started to open up to him a little.

"Hey Todoroki," you said sadly. You were thinking about the words that Kora had said about you.

'Am I really boring? I didn't know that I was being clingy to Kora, I thought she liked hanging out with me' you thought.

"What's wrong, (L/n)?" Todoroki asked.

"Would you say that I'm boring, and that I'm clingy?" you asked him.

"No, not at all, who told you you were?" Todoroki really enjoyed your company, and he thought of you as a close friend. He told you some things that no one had ever known about him.

"Kora did, well, she told Mina that, and I was just eavesdropping,"

"Well, you're not boring, and you are definitely not clingy," Todoroki said, "don't listen to Kora."

"Yeah, okay..... thanks Todoroki," you said, cheering up a little.

Classes were pretty normal, well as normal as class at UA could get. You walked to lunch with Todoroki.

"Sh-Shoto," you tested.

"My first name?" Todoroki asked.

"Can I call you by it?" you weren't even sure why you brought it up, but there was no going back now.

"Yeah, okay," He said, his face a little pink, "can I call you (Y/n)?"

"Of course!" you smiled at him.

                "All right everyone, settle down," Aizawa said, muffled because of the bandages

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"All right everyone, settle down," Aizawa said, muffled because of the bandages. It had only been two days since the USJ incident, and he was already teaching again.

"So, we're still going to have the sports festival," he said, "apparently it shows that UA can handle crisis well and that all of our protocols are sound"

"But is it really safe to hold a sports festival?" one of your classmates asked.

"There will be five times the presence of police compared to earlier years," he explained, "this is one of Japan's biggest events, and the nation's top heroes will be there."


"Wow," you said. You had been looking back and had just now seen all of the people crowded around the classroom.

"There's no way out!" Kirishima exclaimed.

"What do you lowlifes think you're doing?" Bakugo yelled.

"Lowlifes? The same could be said about you guys," a purple-haired guy said.

"Bold!" said Kaminari.

"We came to scope out the competition for the sports competition," the purple-haired guy continued, "if we do well, we might be able to move up into the hero course, but you guys could also be moved down"

Eventually, they all cleared out, and you could walk home. You hadn't noticed before, but Todoroki took the same path as you to get home. You had only noticed today because you took off at about the same time as him.

"Oh, are you going this way, too?" Todoroki asked you. Apparently he hadn't known, either.

"Yeah," you said.

"Are you excited for the sports festival?" Todoroki asked you.

"Yeah, and I'm a little nervous, too," you told him.

"We have two weeks to prepare, so I'm sure you'll be ready by then," Todoroki said.

"Do you want to train together?"

"Sure (Y/n),"

For the next few days, you guys would train after school. You also trained on the weekends. At first, you didn't use your quirks, but today, you had started using them. You guys were having a normal training session.

You shot three electric feathers at Todoroki, all going a different way. He blocked them with the ice, and you immediately shot ice feathers at him. Todoroki blocked one and dodged another. He was hit with two of them, freezing him for only a few seconds because of how few feathers it was. It was long enough for you to get close to him and almost hit him. Todoroki grabbed your fist and pinned you to the ground. He had frozen your feathers, so you couldn't do anything.

"I win," said Todoroki.

"Yeah, okay," you said.

You were expecting Todoroki to get off of you, but he didn't. He just stared at you, and you stared back. You loved looking at him. He was very attractive. You both started to lean in, and your heart pounded sort of fast. There was a loud noise, which caused you both to stand up.

You went to go check out where the noise came from, and you saw that it was a car being blown up. You used your ice feathers to stop the fire, but the car was finished. Nobody could be seen running from the car or towards it, so you guys just left the car at that.

"That's weird," you said.

"Someone will find it eventually, and it might get towed," Todoroki said.

"Yeah, okay," you agreed, "so where is your house?"

"It's right over there," he said, pointing at the house across from yours.

"That's by my house!" you pointed to your house, "how come I've never seen you before?"

"Well, I wasn't allowed out as a child, and I leave the house earlier than you, since I always get to school before you," he explained.

"Now we know," you said.

Word Count: 1,098 Words

Hello guys! If you have a book that you're writing, I'll be sure to read it if you want me to. It might take a little, but I'll definitely get to it!


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