Chapter 6: Sports Festival

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Before you knew it, it was time for the sports festival. All of class 1-A were currently sitting in a waiting room. Todoroki had declared war against Midoriya earlier, and he was now coming up to you.

    "(Y/n)," Todoroki said.

    "Shoto," you replied.

    "I just want you to know that I won't go easy on you," proclaimed Todoroki.

    "Good, I don't want you to," you said with a determined smile, "I won't go easy on you either, Shoto,"

    "No hard feelings?" Todoroki inquired.

    "No hard feelings," you assured him.

    Class A came out on the field to hear Present Mic announce their arrival. He said a few quick words, and then Midnight came on the field. She said that the first test would be a 4 kilometer obstacle course race that ran around the stadium itself.

    Starting the race, Todoroki freezes the floor. You were already flying, so you fly up ahead of him and start running. Saving energy would be a big thing in this race. Then, robots from the entrance exam appeared. Todoroki froze them and ran through, the robots immediately falling on the ground due to their unstable positions. You were able to fly over the robots after the smoke had cleared, catching up with Todoroki. You were also able to fly over a parkour-type area, and now, all that was left was the minefield. Just as you were about to use your special move Icy Blast, Bakugo shot explosions at you. You were able to dodge the attack, but your ice had been melted. Shooting an electric feather at Bakugo, you activate Icy Blast again. This time it worked, and you went through the finish line. Midoriya had come in first, and you had come through not long after him.

    Next was the Cavalry Battle. Only the top forty-two from the last event were qualified. Since Midoriya had the most points, everyone wanted to team up with him at first. Then, after they had thought about it, no one wanted to team up with him. Meanwhile, you had teamed up with Jiro and Tokoyami, and you were the rider. You were able to take some of the lower team's points and came in second. Todoroki's team had come in first after taking Midoriya's points.

    At lunch break, Todoroki and Midoriya had disappeared, so you ended up eating with Uraraka and Iida. You had figured that they wanted to talk to each other about something.

    One-on-one battles would be the last event. The first one-on-one battle of yours was against Kaminari. He tries to electrocute you, but you had used ice to protect yourself. You electrocuted him instead, and he didn't block it. He was currently in 'Yay' mode. The electricity had knocked him out, so you had one that round. You won your second battle and made it into the third round. You had to go against Bakugo. Thinking that it would be best to freeze Bakugo at the start, you shoot ice feathers at him. He blocks some but is hit with the others. Since he was frozen, you went up to him to push him out of the ring. He breaks out of your ice, so you try to electrocute him. He burns your wings, rendering you unable to do anything.

    Bakugo had come in first, Todoroki had come in second, and you came in third. Bakugo was acting feisty and had to be chained up. All aMight had had to put his award in his mouth because he wouldn't take it.

    There would be no school for the next two days, and you would have to pick an agency to intern at after the break. You were walking home with Todoroki.

    "I didn't know that you could produce fire," you said to Todoroki, "I mean, I thought it was weird that you had only used ice on one side, though,"

    "I don't use my left side because it is what my dad wants," he replied, "but then Midoriya told me that it was my quirk,"

    "Is that what you guys were talking about at lunch? You both disappeared at the same time," you asked.

    "Part of it, but also not," Todoroki said. He looked like he was going to say something else, so you didn't respond.

    You ended up hearing about Todoroki's childhood and how he had gotten the scar. You had always thought that Endeavor was on the serious side, but you would've never guessed that he would do something like that to his own child.

    "I- I don't know what to say, Shoto," you said, "I mean I thought that my childhood was bad, but now I'm not so sure,"

    "What happened to you?" He asked.

    "My parents are both pro heroes, so I never see them. I was always alone as a child, and I didn't have a babysitter or anything once I turned three. The only memory that I have with both of my parents is when they had just learned about my quirk. I had had my quirk for about two months before they even noticed. And also, now that I think about it, the reason that they were never there for me was probably because they didn't care," you said sadly, "I was probably a mistake."

    "Even if they didn't mean to have you, I don't think you're a mistake, (Y/n). You are the first friend that I have ever had, and I care about you a lot," Todoroki said.

    "Thanks Shoto," you smiled at him, "and I care about you a lot, too."

    Todoroki smiled at you, "I'll see you later, (Y/n)"

    "Yeah, see you," both of you parted ways and went to your houses.

    You unlocked your door, took your shoes off, and locked the door, going up to your room to lay down on your bed.

    No matter what you did, you couldn't get Todoroki out of your head. It didn't help matters that you guys had almost kissed the other day. Then, you started thinking.

    'If Shoto and I were going to kiss, does that mean that he likes me too?'
Word  Count: 1,028 Words

Hey guys! Hope you are having a good day! Sorry if this chapter is bad and seems rushed, because it was maybe a little rushed. I'm here if you guys need anything:)


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