Chapter 17

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"Lilith we need to get out of" Aiden said urgently. "Plus there's a stain on your dress... you need to get that cleaned."

"But it's a blood stain, how will you remove that?" Melea asked a bit sleepily.

"I have hydrogen peroxide in my bag...." Lilith said slowly as she turned to face them.

"Why on earth do you have that in your bag?" Eden asked raising his eyebrows.

"You know....Just in case." Lilith said before dashing down the hallway to the dorm.

"Sometimes she scares me...." Aiden said. "Out of the blue I'd actually believe she's a serial killer." He said walking briskly away from the body lying on the cold floor in an ever increasing pool of blood.

"If she is, she'll make a good one...." Melea said catching up with them. 

On reaching the dormitory they saw Lilith pulling out a bottle from her bag but while going out she pulled Aiden with her. She marched into the prefect's bathroom and handed him the bottle. "Your trousers, the ends are stained." She said gravely.

"How did you notice...." He said looking down at the splatters of blood on his trousers. He took the bottle and began to remove the stains while Lilith waited. After he was done, he handed the bottle back to her and left.

Lilith returned after a while, dressed in her school robes with her dress in her hands. The dress did not have any sign of blood on it and was perfectly clean, albeit wet. She went and hung it up in her wardrobe and came back.

"Today was quite a day huh...." Eden said folding his arms. Nova, Orion and Corvin were all sitting tensed in the common room, for they had been the silent witnesses of the terrible accident.

"I am waiting to see what happens tomorrow...." Lilith said with a sigh.

The next day arrived and Lilith had neither the mood nor the energy to face it. She groaned and turned over in her bed but finally gave up trying to recollect her dream and threw the covers off herself. She pulled her drapes open only to find Laurina's spot on her bedside table empty. SHe stared at the empty spot for a moment and jumped off her bed. She was in her robes in a few seconds and was about to leave when she heard Melea groan.

"Wait, I am coming." Melea said slowly as she sat back up. "Don't go so might seem suspicious." She said as she climbed down her bed and went to put on her robes. Corvin sat at his perch and looked at Lilith. Lilith gave Corvin an enquiring look to which Corvin only answered with a shake of his head.

Soon the two girls were down in the common room and spotted Eden in one of the armchairs. Aiden was probably still asleep and they didn't wish to prod him awake. But then suddenly the common room doors opened to admit Professor Cragore.

"Lilith Sapphirus? Ah yes Lilith, I need to speak with you." He said and walked out, indicating her to follow.

Lilith froze. Her eyes held shock and fear as she slowly took a step towards the door. Eden and Melea looked at each other. Aiden had arrived just to see Professor Cragore take Lilith out and he had guessed what had happened.

Lilith walked behind the professor, dread flooding her mind. Fear clouded her thoughts and added an impetus to the ever growing pit in her stomach. She was taken to Mr. Sinclair's office, where the deputy dean sat expectantly waiting for her. She began to run plans in her mind. A part of her wanted to run, flee from the Academy. Another, more rational part told her to stop and think the worst possible outcome and she was surprised the devil on her shoulder was asking her to listen to Mr. Sinclair.

"I have brought her, Sir." Professor Cragore said to the tall figure who had his back to the door. Mr. Sinclair merely nodded and Professor Cragore left and the doors closed behind him, trapping Lilith in the office. Mr. Sinclair slowly turned to face her.

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