Chapter 7

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"Right, so. Now stop this unrestrained screaming and dissipation of valuable energy." The graduated student who had slammed the book, said with an agitated voice. "Save your breath, you'll need it for the planning. Now, each planning committee is made up of mostly prefects and if you do not get chosen, I do not want unnecessary waterfalls." They declared.

"All required information is given in the bulletin board. Any number of students can be chosen from each dorm. Any hostility towards members of other dorms will not be tolerated. Total members of each planning committee will be nine. Now all of you make a wise choice of committees and departments because once your names are selected in the name list, no further changes can be brought about." Another graduate said as soon as he saw some students beginning to protest at the mention of 'waterfalls'.

"All those not taking part in committees shall be responsible for helping their dorm members run the dorms efficiently in case of the nobles visiting the dorm tower, which I have heard, happens rather often. We need to make a good impression on them, unless you prefer to be looking like tramps. Clean your dorms, now, at this very moment." The first student said. The others nodded in reply and some of them gathered around the bulletin while others went off to get their stuff organised in their dorms.

The bulletin had a notice pinned to it, written in golden scrawl. It was the list of departments and heads. It read:

~List of departments and heads for students' reference~

Dept. of drama: Professor Hearts

Dept. of dance: Professor Capriole

Dept. of music*: Professor Treble

Dept. of writing**: Professor Diction

Dept. of arts: Professor Atelier

Dept. of culinary: Professor Croquette

Dept. of Elemental Manipulation: Professor Aqua

Dept. of magical gardening: Professor Bloom

Dept. of Journalism***: Professor Embargo

Please contact the following teachers for information on ways to apply as planning committee members.

*More than just planning committee members will be appointed for this department. Musicians will also be chosen from among the students for the Crystal Ball.

**More than just planning committee members will be appointed for this department. Writers and editors will be appointed to keep up with the happenings around the academy during the whole course of the event and publish it in a weekly magazine.

***More than just planning committee members will be appointed for this department. Student journalists and also a few photographers from among the students will be appointed to help the appointed writers with the magazine.

The students scanned the list with interest. They began whispering amongst each other, while others eyed the list with varied levels of interest and agitation. The fact that they couldn't be part of more than one planning committee made a lot of students exasperated and some of them even felt a bit sad.

Lilith eyed the list, already decided with what she was about to do. Beside her, Eden was taking second chances and Melea was staring gleefully at the list. Laurina rubbed her head against Lilith's neck, and licked her cheek, demanding Lilith's attention away from the list. Near Eden's feet, Nova licked his paws, grooming his already silken and perfect midnight black coat.

The Silver KnifeTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang