Chapter 6

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The day arrived and the sun peeked in through the heavy curtains onto Lilith's bed. The day was sparkling and the outside was blindingly bright. Lilith stirred as the sun rays woke her up from her deep slumber. She rubbed her eyes and pushed the blanket off her. She pulled the drapes of her bed open. Her dragon was still dozing, curled up inside a roll of small rugs on her bedside table. It's scales shone a vibrant gold in the sparkling sun. Melea was still asleep, the drapes of her bed were pulled tightly shut. Lilith tip-toed across the room to get her robes and get dressed and ready for the morning.

She walked out of the shower dressed in her robes. Her dragon had woken up and was shaking the rugs off from itself. Lilith smiled and scooped her familiar up in her arms. She turned to Melea's bed, only to find the drapes still shut. Lilith tip toed out of the room and closed the door softly behind her. It was just resounding seven in the faraway school clock and only a few people were in the common room, mostly keeping to themselves.

Lilith sat with her dragon on the couch where a board of chess was laid out. Her dragon stared at the pieces for a while before hopping down on the table and staring at the pieces. It then nudged a piece forward, while expectantly looking at Lilith to start playing. Lilith moved her knight forward and the dragon looked at her with eyes gleaming with glee. The two of them engaged in the game and only got roused when Eden's cat purred against Lilith's feet. Lilith greeted Eden a good morning as he gave her a nod.

"What were you doing?" He asked as he picked his cat, Nova, who curled up on the couch.

"Nothing, just playing with Laurina." Lilith said. As soon as Lilith said the name, the dragon looked up at her with increased interest and cocked it's head curiously to one side. Nova cast a glance at Laurina and snuggled up more on Eden's lap.

Eden nodded again. "We need to go down for breakfast soon." He said as an afterthought. 

"Yes true.... I am hungry." She said while moving a knight forward. "Come Laurina, we can play later." She said as the dragon looked at the pieces thinking hard. 

The dragon looked up, gave a small screech and hopped onto Lilith's cloak. It climbed up on her shoulder and wrapped itself around her neck. Lilith walked out of the common room with Eden and Nova following her a little behind. 

Sansa caught up with them as they walked to the Hall. They walked in and sat in their usual seats. Laurina perched on the table and gobbled down some bacon and gave a growl of satisfaction. 

Nova lapped up milk from a saucer and licked his whiskers clean. As the group finished eating, an official announcement echoed through the Hall.

"All students are to report to their respective dorms after breakfast. Heads of Houses shall be giving themselves some important instructions which will be have to be followed today. Thank You."

Mr. Sinclair's booming voice jerked awake some students who were dozing sleepily at breakfast. The students quickly finished the last of their meal and headed back to their dorms, curious about what could be the possible reason for this rather loud announcement.

Professor Cragore, the Potions and Alchemy professor, stood in the middle of the Emerald common room, waiting for all the students to assemble before him. The students quickly scattered and some sat on cushions, some occupied the chairs and some draped themselves on the couch. A few just preferred to stand and listen to the whole ordeal.

Professor Cragore cleared his throat and began, in a very lively voice as he tried to get the students to listen to the instructions. "Now, as it was said last day, you all know your dress codes. Formal robes, silver fastenings, fourth years and above will be wearing gloves.... now after you all are done dressing up, come to the common room and assemble here. I will lead you to the courtyard and into the grounds where the nobles will be arriving." He said and smiled at the students.

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