Step one

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Madison outfit

Madison was at the T Rex paddock waiting

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Madison was at the T Rex paddock waiting. She had everyone set up but before she did. She changed her outfit into something a little more adventurous and more fighting like. She was waiting near the T Rex Paddock with her guns and a flare with her. She looked at a picture of the campers she took the second day when they went on the cattle drive. She smiled.

"Don't worry guys we are gonna get off this island" Madison whispered.

Back with the others Yasmina was still trying to figure out what Darius plan was. Then she saw Bumpy and Ben. She was happy Ben was alive.

"Wait was it you? The whole time" Yasmina asked pulling away from the hug.

"What" Ben asked confused.

Yasmina then gasped.

"So it is true. She's still out there. It's her. All this time' Yasmina said.

Brooklyn and Kenji knew who she was was talking about.

"who"Ben asked.

"Madison. I mean back when I was with Darius and Sammy Mitch was gonna kill a stegosaurus but a whistle made him stop.

Then when Tiff grabbed me a rock was thrown at her.

"It really is her" Yasmina said.

"then that must mean" Brooklyn said.

"she's headed to Main Street" Kenji said finishing Brooklyn sentence.

"Or She is already there with someone" Ben said.

They all knew who Maddison was with. They agreed to go to the tunnels and try to get to Main Street. Madison heard noises an looked to see Darius and Sammy. They had took Mitch and Tiff guns. They were going to hide. Madison stayed low. She took her gun out and kept it pointed at Mitch and Tiff.

"There is so much time before we find you" Mitch said.

"But there is less time before Rexy finds you" Madison said to herself in a low voice.

She kept low looking at Darius and Sammy. She saw how Darius and Sammy were doing a distraction. She smiled. Then out of nowhere the lights started coming on. Madison gasped softly an quietly. She smiled.

"Good job guys" Madison said to herself.

Madison saw how Mitch and Tiff were behind them. Madison then thought of the only logical thing. Madison then left her spot and went inside Rexy paddock. Madison then grabbed a flare. She motioned for Rexy to follow her.

"Come on girl" Madison said.

She led Rexy to where Mitch and Tiff were. She had her mask on. She then threw the flare at Mitch and hid. Mitch looked behind him to see a flare on the ground. He grew confused until Rexy was right in front of him. Rexy let out a roar. Madison smiled. Then she whistled for Rexy to attack. Maddison went to another spot. Near where Rexy was stuck. Mitch was using a electric stick and shocking Rexy making her whimper in pain. Madison gasped. Then grabbed the stick and pushed Mitch. Mitch then looked and gasped at who he saw. She looked like one of the kids. Madison took her mask off. She had a glare on her face.

"You messed with the wrong one" Madison said until Tiff knocked Madison out of the way and knocking her out.

Madison was hidden so no one could see where she was.

"Little brat" Tiff said.

"Tiff that's Madison Grady. She works here on the island" Mitch said.

Tiff gasped. If she woke up they would be on one hell journey. So Tiff and Mitch ran to the jungle. Soon Rexy got out of where she was stuck and growled. Then she walked back to her paddock. But then stopped and sniffed the air. She smelt something or someone. She then growled and went to where Sammy and Darius were hiding under a table.

Rexy then charged at Darius and Sammy. Then an automatic voice was heard. Rexy turned her attention to the noise and saw the lights flicker. Then a hologram of a T Rex made her attention turn to that. Madison was still unconscious. Darius and Sammy ran away. Then Brooklyn and the others finally got the speaker to work.

Mitch and Tiff were near the watering hole. Madison had opened her eyes and woke up. She rubbed her head and groaned. Then she let out a growl. She was done playing games. This time she was going to stop these people. Even if that meant killing them in the process.

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