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Madison didn't know that Ben was gone but by his look something happened. She saw how Kenji and Brooklyn hugged Ben with tears in her eyes. As much as she wanted to tell them she was alive she wanted to wait for the right opportunity. She then went back to check up on the others looking at the group with one last smile before she left.

"Ben have you see Madison" Brooklyn asked.

Ben sighed and looked down. The name that haunted him. He still felt guilt.

"Ben you don't understand we think she is alive" Kenji said.

Ben looked up with confusion.

"What do you mean" Ben asked.

"We mean that over the course of us being on this island she has helped us without her showing herself" Kenji said.

"She's out there and we are trying to figure out where"Brooklyn said.

Ben smiled. As Madison was running through the jungle she made sure to keep and eyes out for any predator or people that was out there. She then heard voices and climbed a tree hiding. She saw Mitch and Tiff holding her friends captive. Darius had to make a choice. Help them or his friends and him stay on the island. Darius didn't know what to pick. He chose to help them. Madison shook her head in disappointment. She looked to see Yasmina ankle hurt. There was a reason why Darius chose to help them. He wanted to go home. Madison understood that. Madison kept following them and try to help them. She kept watching Mitch and Tiff and the others. They had guns out. Madison gasped quietly. Then she saw a stegosaurus. Madison smiled at the dinosaur. She then saw Mitch and Tiff pointing their guns.

"No"Madison whispered.

Just as Mitch was about to take the shot she then thought of an idea. Madison whistled making Tiff point his gun to the air shooting a tree. Madison hid and saw the stegosaurus look in the others direction. The stegosaurus charged at them. Madison followed behind her friends in a tree keeping hidden. Madison threw a rock at Tiff and it hit her head making Tiff let go of Yasmina. Madison hid again. Tiff looked around angrily. Yasmina then ran away from Darius, Sammy, Mitch and Tiff. Madison watched and smiled.

"One down two to go" Madison whispered to herself then took off into the direction of where her bungalow was.

She got there and grabbed guns and some flares. She grabbed blades and her bike. She rode to Main Street.

"I'm gonna need some help"Madison said to herself.

Yasmina kept running. After the whistle and the rock thrown at Tiff she knew Madison was still alive and out there somewhere. She believed it. The campers didn't have enough evidence to prove Madison was alive but now with times when they were in trouble but something helped them it helped them. Yasmina ran until she saw a light. She dropped and saw Brooklyn and Kenji.

"Yaz" Kenji said.

"You are not gonna believe this"Brooklyn said.

"They have them. Tiff and Mitch.

"Darius is taking them to the watering hole so they can kill all the dinosaurs there" Yasmina said.

"Darius would never do that" Kenji said.

Yasmina remember about the paper Darius gave her. She opened it.

"your right he's leading them here" Yasmin said pointing at Main Street.

And Main Street was where the T Rex and Madison was.

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