dating ethan headcanons

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1. ETHAN'S LITTLE SISTER IS AMAZING AND SHE LOVES YOU!!!! (Please let me have this because I'm in love with older!brother!Ethan)
2. Lil sis will take your hand and drag you upstairs as soon as you step foot into the household (Ethan gets JEALOUS but he also refuses to show and acknowledge it because he loves sis too much to be upset because she is precious) and basically you'll just spend the entire day upstairs with her on accident playing dress up and yea party and shit
3. Ethan pouts after, of course
4. But y'all quickly make up because he literally cannot stay mad at anyone
5. Also the rest of his family loves you
6. And your fam loves him too (your dad tried so hard not too, but it was impossible because Ethan is literally PERFECT and had zero flaws)
7. You go to ALL of his baseball games
8. Literally all of them, no exception
9. And if you can't go you'll make up an excuse, like "I have a doctor's note, leT ME GO!!!" only to have teacher respond with "(Y/n) we've been over this, you cannot write a pass to leave class early because you're 'Ethan's emotional support s/o'" "BUT MR/S (TEACHERRRRRRRRRRRR)!!!!!!"
10. Oh also you always run into his arms after the games
11. And OH MY GOD Ethan blushes a hella lot
12. Also if you kiss his cheek his face turns cherry red (so you make a habit of it because Ethan is ADORABLE and SHY and WAY TOO PURE)
13. And you hug him to make him blush too
14. Because again, adorable
15. Movie nights together!!!!
16. Like just cuddling on the couch and sharing a blanket while watching movies together
17. Cause Ethan would much rather stay in than go out tbh
18. And you love it
19. But the only problem is that he always falls asleep
20. Like even during scary movies or badass ones
21. HE FELL ASLEEP EATING ONCE because you thought he could stay awake if he's eating but noooooooo the next thing you know he's snoring with a chip laying on his chin
22. (Please tell me you took a pic of it)
23. His sweatshirts?!
24. Omg
25. They're SO comfy
26. And they smell like him so it's even betterrrrrrrrrr
27. And also since he's like 60000 feet tall you practically drown in them and it's adorable
28. Um... Ethan can cook kind of good too lol
29. His specialty is mac and cheese
30. But his favorite thing to do is binge eat junk food with you in his living room
31. Or yours
32. So yeah, Ethan is a precious and innocent bean who must be protected with your life

1. Oh wow
2. He has a lot of guilt, even though he couldn't do anything to save them all
3. And you remind him of this, of course, but Ethan is going through a phase of self hatred and it's rough for everyone
4. You're the only one who knows about it though
5. And maybe Harry because he picked up on it
6. But that's all. Harry doesn't say anything about it, too, because it's not his place and he knows it
7. Anyways
8. You like to sneak junk food to him
9. His eyes light up and he looks like a kid on Christmas Day
10. It's too cute to not do
11. He likes to cuddle
12. Sometimes he gets nightmares and will silently show up at your classroom door
13. No words are exchanged then, but you motion for him to lay next to you and before you know it you're big spooning your baby boy and he's snoring softly
14. So you smile to yourself and whisper an "I love you, Ethan" before falling asleep yourself
15. And you don't know it but he smiles too
16. And then he falls asleep (AGAIN) while thinking of how lucky he is to have you
17. So yeah
18. Also, he promises to make a home run for you, and you can't wait to be there to witness it
19. Also mocking him playfully
20. Because again, this boy blushes WAY too easily
21. Um... I think that's all? Basically it's just innocent and precious and you both love it, though it would def be easier without the whole apocalypse ordeal

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