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"I bet you're going to be Princess Peach again." Seth says as we run inside from the back garden and grab the glasses of chocolate milk on the counter.

"How did you know?" I ask, gulping down the drink, in record time, beating Seth. Again.

"You're always Princess Peach, Chris."

I shrug. "Sometimes I'm Luigi. But you are always Mario. Even when we were in kindergarten." That shuts him up for a bit and soon we are playing MarioKart on the Wii like the best friends we are, all debate forgotten, as ten-year-olds do.

Seven and a half races later, it's neck in neck. Both of us tying for first and getting closer and closer to the final bend. I'm gritting my teeth and beside me, Seth is sticking his tongue out in concentration and leaning heavily into my arm as we turn the corner. I get competitive playing computer games, sometimes even more so than Seth or William, our other friend from school. Peach comes out of the turn a little bit ahead of Mario but he is millimetres behind and I can see the finish line..nearly there!...I'm going to win!...3...2..

Suddenly the screen goes blank and the lights go out. I slide off the couch onto my knees. A power cut. And I was so close! Seth is laughing beside me, his eyes twinkling and his light hair flopping over his face and watching him laugh is giving me a funny feeling in my stomach, so I hit him on the arm.

Mrs. Greene, Seth's mother comes running in.

"Kids! Kids are you okay? It's just a power cut, no need to worry-" She stops, smiling at the pair of us rolling on the floor.

"Can Chris stay for dinner, Mom?" Seth asks.

"Of course she can." Me and Seth high-five. "Are you sure your mom and sister won't miss you too much, Christina? Your dads are working late so it'll be just us three!"

My father and Seth's father work together in some big office in the city. That's all I know and all Seth knows. It's why we became such good friends in the first place. That and the fact we live next door to each other.

It's basically a play date every day.


One month into eighth grade and Seth is acting strange. He's talking with William by the lockers and completely ignoring me, making it one full week since we said anything more than "Hey" (Me) or "Got to go, sorry." (Him). He's been acting weird around me which isn't a comforting thought, especially since I realised recently I might be slightly in love with him. And I had no idea how to tell him.

The bell rings and I troop off to class, alone.

I only realised much later that, by the lockers, was the last time I saw Seth for a very, very long time.



So first story, woohoo!

I'm really very excited for this, I have it all planned out. (At least one thing in my life is organised!)

I will be updating every Friday as regularly as I can.

Comment, vote, have a ham sandwich, whatever. Just know that I am always very appreciative of the occasional vote.

Who am I kidding, please go crazy with the votes, it's really great encouragement for me.

Also constructive comments are bæ.

If you want, stick around and I hope you enjoy it!


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