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Mencías POV:
When my alarm clock rang it was the first time,I want to get up,because I was sure that I will see her again.I didn't know what she did to me,I mean I had known for a while now that I am also attracted to girls but it I didn't know that love could be so strong.a few years ago I had a relationship with a girl who was two years older than me ,who I really loved,although our relationship just lasted for 2 weeks.this time it was completely different,from the first time on I really liked her and I didn't believe in love at first sight,but now I do.the whole night I had been awake and was just thinking about Rebeka.I haven't slept and I feel like I'm sick,like there is something in my stomach,fluttering.I can't believe it I already fell in love with her while she is still hurt by her ex boyfriend,now is definitely not the right time,I also can't say if she even likes girls or if she ever had a girlfriend.I have to keep her out of my mind.I dressed,put on earrings and a necklace,my favorite,which is golden and looks like a chain.I walked downstairs to greet my siblings and my father.suddenly I was hearing a familiar voice,my uncle David.I stopped and started to panic.he's the brother of my father and when I was younger I really liked him,but things changed .a few years ago he started touching me and kissing me when my father didn't watch.he was threatening me with a video of my ex girlfriend where we were naked,to upload it on the internet and show it to everyone.Many times I have tried to delete it,but unsuccessful.So I never talked about it with no one not even with my sister Ari.Normally I tell her everything we are like best friends,but this is my greatest secret.I panicked when I saw him moving in my direction.I wanted to go upstairs when my father noticed me.
„Mencía honey you are already awake,look who's here,David"he said like David was an angel.
„Good morning mencía"he said with a deep voice.since my mother's funeral a year ago,he didn't show up and I thought he would get bored of me and leaves me finally alone,but I guess I was wrong about that.I couldn't say a word and was just standing there.
"Is everything okay?"my father asked worried.
I just nodded.I went to the table where Ari and Patrick were sitting already in there school uniforms.I made an insecure smile,so they didn't suspect anything.after a few minutes the two men sat down at the table.
„So David and I have made a decision,he will also be the headmaster at las encinas,we are going to share this job,and meanwhile he will stay in our house,there is enough space"my father announced the news.I was just starring at my plate saying nothing.they talked a few minutes than they stood up.I wanted everyone to leave until I stood up,but my uncle remained on the table with me.
„Mencía you haven't talked a word to me,am I not your favorite uncle anymore?"he asked with his dangerous voice.I still didn't say anything anything unless he packed by arm and pressed it till I hurt.
"Talk to me,or you know what is going to happen with your sweet video"he was threatening.
"Ok,what do you want me to do?"i begged.
„Good Girl,you have finally come to your senses,I saw the little video from yesterday,when you arrived at las encinas.the girl who was threatening you,I like her,she is confident.I want you to fall in love with her and then you just end the meantime you will steal a lot of money from her and her mother,and then I can just ran away and can build a new luxury life far away from my stupid brother."he smiled while he was telling his master plan.inside I panicked I didn't want to play with anyone especially not with rebeka,but when I already have feelings for her.she is already hurt from Samuel,I didn't want her to feel that pain again.But I had to agree,I didn't have a choice,I knew that.telling my family is not an option.
"Ok,I will do it,but why her,you could have choose every student,why did you choose her"I asked with fear in my voice.
"Firstly of all because she is one of the richest students of las encinas and secondly because I saw the way you looked at eachother,she is already in love with you,so you don't have to do much"he smiled,
"now If you excuse me I have to lead a school".I was frozen and didn't move out of panic.I started crying, will this night ever end,I was thinking.

She didn't want to let a man break her heart, but this time it was a girlWhere stories live. Discover now