Jump into the pool and lose yourself

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Rebekas POV:
2 hours later:
I hate mondays,I mean who likes this stupid day in the week.Since we also have sports on Monday,it just makes this day even more miserable.In the morning I told my mum that I would visit sports class for the first time,but within a few minutes I had changed my mind.I was just going out of school when I ran into a person.
„God,don't you have eyes"I shouted before I saw who it was.it was mencía who ran into me while she was looking for something in her bag.
„ I'm so sorry,I was looking for my bikini and I didn't see you."Mencía explained to me.
„It's fine,I thought you were just an asshole who starred at their stupid phone"I replied
„At least you don't see me as an asshole anymore,well you're a work in progress"Mencía was joking.I was laughing and then we both stopped laughing and just starred at each other.Rebe wake up , she's a girl .I don't know what was happening to me when I'm with her.It feels like all my pain that I've felt for Samuel just goes away when I am talking to her.I don't know what that means but I hadn't experienced such a strong bond between to people,it feels like we're magnetic.my mum always says that people try to hide their feelings but they forget that their eyes can speak.in fact this quote fits perfectly to mencía and me.But I know that I can't allow myself to fall for her,because my mum wouldn't be ok with that.
„So you're going to the swimming pool"I interrupt the silence between us.
„ yeah you too ?"she asked.
„I don't swim but"I paused and then I kept talking „actually today I'm going"I finished my sentence didn't know what I was actually saying. I had never been in this pool and I didn't know what was going into me at that moment.in my heart I knew the answer:mencía.but I didn't spell it out.

Mencías POV:I was glad she was also going to sports classes even if she looked a little bit anxious.together we were going to the dressing room.we switched our school uniforms into a bikini,but Rebeka had already put on a bikini at home.I was opening my t-Shirt when I saw that Rebeka was smiling at me.
„Why are you laughing?"i asked her smiling.
„It's just I had never been in this pool before,you need to know, I hate water and the last time I swam was a few years ago ,that's why I always skip sport classes"I told her
„And why do you decided to swim today?"she asked while her gaze was fixing mine.
„You,because of you"she said.for a second I stopped breathing.

Rebekas POV:
this sentence just came over my lips before my mind was realizing what I just saying .she smiled carefully and we just looked at each other.
„Come on girls,let's start with today's lesson"the sports teacher was interrupting us.
I was standing in front of the pool when I already felt the fear inside of my body,I was sweating.mencía touched my shoulder and nodded.she took my hand and butterflies started flying around in my belly.suddenly all of the fear went away and together we jumped into the pool.I felt the water and all of my nerves started feeling it.I opened my eyes and saw her, she was smiling at me and all of it felt timeless.I can't remember the when it was the last time I felt that much alive and so much joy .we broke the surface of the water and just laughed.
„When we looked to the other students and our teacher,the laugher has passed away when we saw into their angry faces.
„You do know that this is a sports class?and that you are not in the Outdoor swimming pool?"she screamed at us.after that we started the lesson.After one hour we got of of the water and took our towel from the floor.
„Thank you"I said to her.
„ for what?"she asked a little bit confused
„For helping me getting in the water,I don't know if I had gone into the pool if you weren't there"I replied
„You're strong I'm sure you also had made it without my help,I think you should always believe in yourself because sometimes there would be no one who would believe in you"she told me.In that moment I was looking at Samuel who was sitting on a bench and was talking to mencías sister Ari.They acted quite familiar to each other.in my body I felt this whole that had been away when I was spending time with mencía.deep down in me I know that he never really loved me and this thing between us is over.apparently mencía noticed that I was sad about Samuel.
„Did you were together?"she asked a little bit sad
„Yeah we dated last year,after I had a crush on him since I arrived at las encinas,but then he betrayed me and it turned out that he never really loved me,he broke my heart"I told her with a tears in my eyes.
„ I think it's just hard to tell who has your back,from who has it long enough just to stab you in it.I think Deep down i always knew that he was never mine but losing him broke my heart" I finished my sentence while I was watching him.
„ someone once Said that there are five stages of grief:denial,anger,bargaining,depression and acceptance,well I'd like to add one more..."mencía said
„And what stage of grief would that be"I asked.
„Oh for me it would probably be revenge so you could finish the subject and move on with your life"she smiled a little bit devilish.I did the same
„ and what do you suggest?"I asked her.
„Do you trust me"she asked
„I do"I replied.Before I could finish the sentence she had already pressed her lips on mine.I forgot to breathe and closed my eyes.This kiss was everything it felt like the first kiss,the right kiss I ever had.after a few seconds she removed her lips from my lips.this kiss could have lasted for ever.still quite dazed I looked over to Samuel and on his face I saw that it worked ,I smiled like the devil and was looking at mencía we were both laughing,however at this moment we didn't know that this kiss had changed everything between us even it was just to make a stupid boy jealous.

She didn't want to let a man break her heart, but this time it was a girlWhere stories live. Discover now