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Nova sayli 

📍oubre household

 one hour later 

same day

 "NOVAAAAAAAA!!!!''my dad yelled coming up the stairs.

ahhh shoot what did I do this time. 

"Yes sir "I responded opening my room door

 "You good in here what you doing"he asked, coming in looking around. 

"Well right now I'm picking out something to wear to Mimi's party" 

"ohhhh right tell her I said happy birthday"

 "okay I gotchu" 

"well I gotta go to practice I love you" he said kissing my cheek  

And walking towards the door down the stairs grabbing his duffel bag. 

"Girl before you go wash the dishes"He told me

 "yes sir"

 "I'm being serious if I come home and these damn dishes ain't washed we gonna have some problems you understand?"he laughed  

"Yes"I nodded 

 When I tell you this man is so old school and he ain't even that old.Well that's questionable he has been saying he is thirty for about five years now.

Anyways even when me and indigo were younger.Our teachers would always say were the most respectful kids in the class.And my dad dang sure of that.

Even if you say no to hard you gonna get ya teeth knocked out.But little did the teachers know we were not respectful cause we like them.We were respectful because we were afraid of getting our behind's beat if we weren't.

 And I will always remember this one.When you are about to go into the store and your parents tell you this

 "When we go in the store,don't ask for anything, don't look at anything,don't touch anything cause say it with me''. 

"Were not getting it''me and indigo said in unison 

"See I knew y'all was smart''my dad laughs motioning for us to get out the car.But I feel like that's every part of a black kid's childhood. After he left I decided to post Mimi on my story to show some love.

 After he left I decided to post Mimi on my story to show some love

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