Chapter 5 : Visits

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Diane emptied her glass and pushed away from the table, trying to lighten the atmosphere a bit. She began collecting the dishes to bring to the sink. Klavier quickly jumped up to assist her, ever the gentleman. "Why don't you come up to see Y/N's room before you go home, Klavier?" Diane asked. Klavier hid his smile as he replied that he'd love to.

Y/N's bedroom was sweet and cheerful looking, and Diane led him in and sat on the window seat

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Y/N's bedroom was sweet and cheerful looking, and Diane led him in and sat on the window seat.
She pointed to the wall above the white princess vanity, saying with a smile "There's the poster!"
Klavier turned to see a poster of him at 17 with his band, for their very first tour following the release of "7 Years Hard Time For Love". Klavier may or may not have drawn inspiration of love for Y/N when he wrote that.
He smiled, loving that she supported and remembered him after all these years. He was shaken from his thoughts when Diane asked "Do you have Y/N's number, Klavier?"
He turned around, excited, "No, I don't. She didn't have a phone when I left!" her replied. "Let me give it to you," Diane said, holding out her hand.
Klavier brought up his contacts and handed his phone to Diane. "There you go!" She said, passing it back to him.
Klavier looked at that little note like it was gold, "Y/N L/N XXX-XXX-XXXX" He clicked off his phone and slid it back into his pocket. "Thank you very much, ma'am." he said to Diane.
She chuckled warmly. "Of course! Make sure you give her a text sometime. She always assumed you forgot about her with all that going on."
Klavier chuckled at that. "She's been on my mind more than she knows lately, far be it from me to forget her."
Diane nodded, hiding a smile, clearly understanding that this boy was love struck. My lovely Y/N would be so pleased to know he's so infatuated with her. She thought to herself with a smile. Just then, her phone started ringing.
Klavier's head snapped over to her, and she looked at her phone. "It's Y/N!" She said, excitedly pointing to her phone. "I'll let you talk to her in a moment!" Diane says, and then she answers the phone. "Hi Honey!..."
Klavier's heart was pounding in his chest at the prospect of talking to Y/N again, "... That's good! I'm so glad you had a good day. Your father and I actually have a visitor over right now....(y/n talking).... Would you like to talk to him?"
She passes Klavier the phone with a smile "Hello?" comes the perky voice from the phone. Klavier sighed a bit hearing her voice, as a wide smile crept onto his face. "Why, hello there, Fraulein!" he greeted. He was met by shocked silence followed by a shriek, "Omg, sorry about that... Klavier Gavin? What are you doing at my parents' house? I can't believe it, it's been six years!"

(Y/N's POV) 
Y/N couldn't believe what she was hearing. What was Klavier Gavin doing at her house?
He answered her exclamation "I heard you went to study in Tokyo. I'm back in Berlin to visit Aunt Liesel, and I decided to drop in and see your parents."
She smiled at how considerate he was, though her heart was racing miles an hour, she loved hearing his voice coming through her speaker. "That's so kind of you, how are they doing?" She replied "I miss them already, this is the longest I've ever been away," she sighed.
Klavier replied swiftly. "Your parents are doing fine, Love. But more on them later, you didn't tell me you had a poster of me in your room?" She could hear the smirk on his voice.
"Oh my gosh!" you shrieked "Mom told you about that?" she asked. "Told me? She showed me, I'm standing right in front of it. I'm glad to know you always supported me, baby."
You groaned internally, turning a bit pink at him calling you baby, slumping down into your pillows. "God, mom, I'm so embarrassed... " she muttered.
His voice came through the phone again "Why don't we meet up when I get back to Tokyo, I'd love to see you again..." he asked smoothly.
"O-oh, of course, when are you coming back...?" you asked him.
"In about a week. I'm staying with Aunt Liesel for a bit." You smiled, remembering sweet Aunt Liesel. You missed her a lot as well. "Ok, please tell mom and dad I'm turning in for the night. (It's about 9pm in Tokyo and 2pm in Germany.) and tell Auntie Liesel I said hi and I miss her."
She heard soft voices as he spoke to her mom. "Ok, will do. Aunt Liesel misses you too. I'll text you tomorrow. Sleep well, baby." He said affectionately.
"You too..." you murmured before hanging up. 

He called me baby, twice, and love! you thought. You couldn't believe he remembered you and your parents, let alone cared enough to meet up with you and them. You tried to convince yourself that the affectionate nicknames were just the flirty rockstar's way of addressing people, yet you couldn't stop your heart from soaring at hearing them.
You rolled off your bed and walked into the living room where Arianna was watching TV with a mug of hot chocolate and a large teddy bear she received from her boyfriend. "Arianna..." you whisper, causing her to jump in shock. "Oh crap, it's just you Y/N. I almost forgot you were here. What's up?" She said, grinning. "I just spoke to Klavier Gavin..." you say to her, in awe. "WHAAAT?? Really?" Arianna yelled, "How on earth did that happen?" she asked.
"He is in Berlin, and decided to visit my parents. I called my mom while he was over, and she made him talk to me." You rubbed your hands down your face. "He wants to meet up. Oh and mom showed him the poster I have of him in my room, OH and he called me 'baby' twice while we were on call, IN FRONT OF MY MOM!" you looked down at your feet, feeling the butterflies in your stomach. "And his voice sounded so sexy..." You say, red faced.
Arianna was looking at you in shock "Y/N... Are you in love with him already? After just a phone conversation...?" She laughed incredulously. "I knew you were always a little romantic!"
You join her laughing, "I might have a little crush, maybe!" You suddenly remember that he asked to meet up. "Can I invite him over to your apartment, Ari?" you ask her. "I don't know many places in Tokyo, and I can't travel far because I can't drive." you say.
"Honey, it's completely fine! This is your home too! Pick a time when I'm at work or something though so you guys don't have a third wheel. As much as I'd love to meet THE Klavier Gavin, I think you'd both prefer some privacy." Your heart melted a bit at Ari's kind selflessness, "Just make sure you introduce me to your rockstar boyfriend later though" She whispered, conspiratorially.
"ARI!" You yelled, blushing profusely and smacking her with a pillow. Arianna laughed and hit back, and it devolved into chaos as you two had a pillow fight in the middle of the living room. 

After an hour with Arianna, you crawl into bed, spent but happy, feeling absolutely on top of the world. You replayed your conversation with Klavier over in your head as you drifted off to sleep, imagining seeing his face again.  

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