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Emma heard the voice of a woman calling out but she didn't find the strength to show her face, now a mess as the tears ran down her red cheeks, as she sobbed into the neck of her barely breathing lover, feeling how his heartbeat quickly faded.

The sound of steps echoing in their way to the roof, when the voice called out for Norman once again, this time making Emma barely look up and seeing the purple-haired maiden getting close to them she acted by instinct and held Norman more tightly in her arms, trying to protect him from any possible dangers even if it was useless by now.

Mujika looked down at the kneeling Emma, who looked so broken as much as the hurt man on her arms and smiled sadly at the scene when the emerald eyes lifted up to look at her.

"It's a shame we have to meet under these circumstances, Emma..."

"Mujika?" Emma asked, reminding herself of the demon's name that Norman had referred, the maiden showing affirmance to the doubt with a nod of her head "You... You helped mama, didn't you? Please save Norman too!"

The demon looked at the half laying Norman, the white cloak now dirty with red on his left side. His skin was even paler than usual and his chest moved slowly up and down, trying to breathe despite the quick lack of blood circulating in his veins.

"He's still breathing so it's possible, with a miracle, it might be possible..."

"Then hurry!" The outburst was perhaps out of character but at that moment Emma couldn't keep her thoughts rational, never when the blood of her lover escaped between her hands.

Giving one brief look at the pleading woman, Mujika kneeled down next to them, grabbing the knife that rested next to the body of the one which blade caused all the damage and saw the confusion and shock in the emerald eyes when the demon placed the knife near her wrist, making a small cut and with her hand made Norman's mouth open to be possible to pour a little of the demon's blood inside.

The heir's throat gulped as he weakly took in the liquid, not even knowing what it was but it seemed to be working as his chest moved a little faster, seemingly returning to try to fight for his life.

Wrapping a cloth around her wrist, Mujika looked at Emma, who watched in amazement at Norman's reactions "Emma, I'm still not sure if this will be enough to heal him."

To prove her point, she showed the rose she carried on her waist, Emma recognizing it immediately by the unique shining petals, that were currently slowly changing to blue and while she didn't really know what the meaning of the color was, she could automatically assume that the petals should be kept as red, as Norman had once stated to her.

"Mujika, Norman said he made a deal with you... Do you think I can also make one?"

The demon looked seriously at the woman "And what kind of a deal would that be Emma?"

"I want to grant all the possibilities for Norman's survivals so I'll do anything."

The determination in the emerald eyes was so strong that Mujika couldn't bring herself to deny "Emma, I can try to help you but I never know what the price must be in the end, and someone's life always requires a big price, are you absolutely sure about this?"

She still tried to persuade the girl but it was to her surprise that came an immediate "I'm sure." from Emma, the confidence in her eyes never ceasing "Mujika, what do I need to do?"

Seeing how impossible it would be to make the woman change her mind, Mujika held the rose in her hand while with the other she reached out to Emma and placed the flower in the human's hand, the petals glowing the orange color.

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