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A/N: I'm not going to write some scenes much in detail because I want all of you to enjoy it but be aware that there will be death and explicit scenes with blood references in the following chapter.

Also, this chapter in a way contains heavy spoilers from the manga... You might want to skip Ray's part of the chapter to avoid them.


The past month had been so torturously slow for Norman.

Every day, he stayed at his window, waiting to see Emma returns even if he knew how much he was deceiving himself. She was gone, he knew about that so why was he keeping himself trying to believe in the impossible?

His obsession with staring out of the window turned out so big that he even forgot his need to feed himself, only bothering to leave his office to go feed his owls and do some basic necessities before returning.

That was until one day, in frustration, his head started to hurt and it only seemed to worse by each second he stared at the house in the middle of the forest, in hopes to catch sight of his ginger-haired to which he came to the final conclusion.

It needed to stop.

His curtains were closed, the whole house dying in the darkness from the light that had been cut. So back to the loneliness Norman had grown to be used of.

The loneliness had turned into an even deeper pain, to the point of needing to cover the red rose that shone no matter how many blankets he used to cover it. He knew that the color meant that Emma still returned his feelings but just the thought of the ginger-haired caused him to feel even more isolated.

Until one night it all changed.

The usual darkness that the night provided was quickly lightened up as the sky turned red, the lively color even managing to find gaps in the curtains and causing Norman to panic as he saw that the orphanage his family has been watching over and assuring their safety for a good amount of years buried in a deep puff smoke with the flames emerging from there.


The thought of her being within the hot flames caused his heart to enter into a hastened rhythm, his body immediately reacting to rush out of the bed and cover himself with his cloak before setting off to the forest as he rode his horse, galloping full speed towards the grace field orphanage.


Emma and Ray galloped full speed away until they realized something, what caused Ray to stop "Emma wait, at this rate we're only setting Norman up."

Emma followed the same movements, tugging on the reins to hold her horse in place and looked at her brother, her face expressionless as she tried to read the situation "What do you mean?"

"Look at the trail we're leaving. Not only are we exposing ourselves but we're also putting Norman in danger as we're leaving a perfect trail to his direction."

Following the trail of thought, Emma looked down to notice that they were indeed leaving the said track that would possibly set them up "Then, what should we do?"

"Split up" Ray immediately said, not giving any more explanation. Their green eyes met as they had a silent discussion. The plan was crazy, maddening crazy but at the same time, it was the safest option. "And we'll also work on a way to tear them apart too. We don't know how strong they are but it's always better to face one instead of two."

The woman pondered about it, giving it the much of time she could allow but in the end, she nodded, both wishing a quick "be safe" and "Good luck." before parting ways.

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