A New Life

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Silent steps were the only sound that echoed in the empty halls of the hollow mansion as the two walked, heading to the room where Emma would be staying at.

The first thing that she had been reassured about was that she would have a room of her own, the man saying it was meant to make her more comfortable but by the cold and distant tone he had spoken to her, it made her believe that he wanted to stay away from her as possible.

Emma watched his cloaked back as he walked in front of her, vaguely taking notes on how all the door of the rooms they walked past were closed, possibly locked even.

There were three things bothering her about the situation:

One thing that was bugging her was the fact of a large number of rooms the large house had, especially to someone who seemed to be living by himself.

The second was the way the man was dressed. Despite being the middle of the night, he still carried that heavy cloak that covered all of him, with the darkness not even being able to reveal the part of the face that Emma had seen the other day.

And finally, the third and most shocking factor of the night was on how cold the guy had talked to her and was acting. He hadn't been unpolite but at the same time, it seemed to have lost that special something that had caught her off guard when they met.

She was already regretting her choice of coming... What if he didn't want her? He didn't specify anyone according to Mama so Emma assumed he wasn't being much picky but still... He seemed to unfocused right after she greeted him.

Little did she know about the inner struggle in Norman's mind.

She was there, she really was there.

Emma could be following him in silence but he could still feel her so close, the simple sound of her breathing causing him to relax in the middle of the nervousness he was feeling.

How long had it been since he had someone with him?

Out of the corner of his masked covered eye, he noticed how the woman looked curiously at everything in her surroundings, smiling a little at her wonder.

Unknown to her, Norman had decided to take the long way to her room, just to be able to enjoy her presence a little more, almost afraid that this was a dream that he didn't want to wake up.

Eventually, he didn't have any other option as he finally indicated Emma's room door to her "You'll stay here. I wasn't sure about your preferences so I had to improvise a little, however, if you need anything don't hesitate to call me. My office is right at the end of this hallway and my room is exactly on the right side of it, you'll find me in one of those rooms."

Emma stared at him for a little, taking in the words, noticing he had spoken more in that simple information than what he had said in the whole night. Her hands tightened on her luggage as she restrained herself to make a certain question, instead, she gave him a polite smile in return to his courtesy.

"Thank you..." The ginger-haired looked intensely at the figure in front of her, trying to make up any traces that were hidden in the dark but Norman seemed to catch up with her plans and gave a nervous step back.

"If this is all, tomorrow I'll show you the house, for now, you should rest... It's already too late and you should be tired."

As to proof his point, a small yawn left the girl's mouth, who used her hand to cover it as Norman couldn't help the small smile to grow. "I don't want to bother you anymore for today so good night."

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