Chapter Two

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I woke up to the sound of my neighbors roosters and chickens making a ruckus and slipped on a T-shirt I won at a jumping show a few years back, jeans, and my converse, then stumbled downstairs to eat breakfast. I poured myself some cereal, and relaxed a bit. My mom was out with my brother at his soccer game and my dad died last summer in a car accident... I ended up laying on the couch all day watching supernatural. Finally, my mom came home."Where were you all day?" I asked"Well, your brothers soccer game, grocery shopping and a work meeting." "Sounds like you were busy" I responded,"Definitely" nightfall came soon and I dozed off at about ten. But suddenly I was awakened by the sound of gunshots! I began to panic, thoughts racing through my mind. What's happening? What will happen to my mom and brother? Jasper? Me? I was having an anxiety attack and I decided to carefully sneak out of the house and run. I ran to the pasture and grabbed my horse and halter. That was all I could think about. I had him jump over a low part of the fence and we were soon galloping deep into a forest. Jasper grew tired and I got overwhelmed, so I hopped off. We were now far off into the forest , and I knew that I could never find my way out. I sat on a rock and thought...

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