Chapter Ten

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That night I couldn't sleep. Those three words kept running through my mind.

Just tell me.

Should I tell him? Should I say something? It's 3 am and I'm not going to wake Bridget up just so she can tell me to tell him.

I got a total of 1 hour of sleep that night. I couldn't stop thinking about Bridget's party and how Colton acted around me. I ran through that night in my mind over and over again, remembering every second and reliving every touch and every glance.

There was this one time when I was going around my dads car to grab my stuff from out of the backseat and Colton made some smart remark and I walked right up to him and basically, if someone put a piece of paper between our chests, it wouldn't move. I wanted to kiss him so badly. I was about to go for it but chickened out at the last minute and our noses ended up touching.

Just that split second of skin contact was enough to make me remember it. I laid there in my bed, staring at my ceiling, and if I concentrated hard enough, I could almost feel the touch of his skin. I could almost faintly smell his natural scent.

It made me miss him.

I put a pillow behind my back that night and pretended it was him. I long to feel his touch again, I hope and pray that I can touch him again.

My heart yearns for him to know how I feel. So with that, I made up my mind.

I'm going to talk to him, tomorrow. I'll find a time to do it. No matter when, I'll do it.

The next day.....

I just got home from marching band practice. I have been out there sweating in the sun and I smell so bad. I was starving but I couldn't sit there and smell myself anymore, I had to take a shower.

Okay, now was my chance. Now is the time that I'll tell him how I feel.

I strip down to my sports bra and underwear and listen to the water run in my shower and my stomach yelling at me to eat while staring at my phone.

I made a new message and put Colton's name for the recipient, just haven't thought about what to say.

Once I decided I'm being ridiculous, I sent a simple hi and got in the shower after stripping completely.

The whole time I was in the shower I was so nervous. What if he doesn't text me back? What if he rejects me? What if I go too far?

So many 'what if' questions graze through my brain during the eight or so minutes I was in the shower.

Once I turn the water off and grab my towel I notice a blue LED light blinking on my phone. I have a text message. What if it's not him? What if it is him?

I quickly dry off and grab my phone. Inhaling a deep breathe, I press my home button. A sigh of relief floods through me when I see Colton's name written on my screen with a hey under it. He texted me back! And instantly!

I replied, how's it going?, And went to go change.

I haven't even gotten my shirt out of my drawer when I hear my phone vibrate. good you, he replied.

Pretty good.

I had to go eat dinner so I left for a little while but once I was done I practically ran to my room and began texting him.

He replied saying, That's good.

I remember him telling me that I am annoying the last time I talked to him so I decided to bring that up. I'm sorry if I've been annoying in the past. Sometimes I just get energetic and I am a little too much, I say.

Don't be sorry, he says.

Well, the last time I talked to you, you said I was annoying so.

Ignore that comment. I'm sorry.

It's okay.

So far it's going pretty good. When you said that I just knew you don't like me so I stayed quiet.

What do you mean I don't like you?

Well, what would a guy like you want in a girl like me? I got really nervous after sending that. I sit there and stare at my phone biting my nails.

My phone lights up and what I see makes my stomach flip. He said one simple word. One word that made that fire return. Everything.

I had no idea how to respond to that. Just tell me, kept running through my head. You know what, I'm going to go for it. No holding back, and tell him everything. The worst he can do is tell you that he doesn't feel the same; and at least he knows that you feel something for him.

I have something I need to tell you. Ever since I first met you, I seemed to have felt something. I had no idea at the time what it was but now I know that I really like you. I know we just met and that you might not feel the same but I like you.

I felt so sick to my stomach. What if I just made a complete fool out of myself? What if he has a girlfriend? What if all he wants is my body and not an actual relationship?

My 'what if' questions were interrupted by the vibrating of my phone in my hands.

I like you too Morgan.

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