Chapter Eight

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Fall For You by Secondhand Serenade


The next morning I was the first one awake. It was about 9 or 10 in the afternoon and everyone was passed out. I laid there thinking about Colton.

"I wonder what is going through his mind right now", I think to myself.

I move my head to where I can see him. He's still in the same spot he was in when I fell asleep. I lay there and just stare at him, taking in every grid of his face.

He has such a defined jaw line. Such a cute little nose. Somewhere, deep inside me, I'm hoping that he is thinking about me while he sleeps. I wonder if I ever cross his mind.

His hair is so perfectly falling onto his forehead. Every strand is just perfectly placed.

He stirs a little. I freeze up and wonder what caused him to wake up. But he doesn't. And right on cue, a slight smirk spreads across his perfect face.

It's not a huge smirk, just a little smile. Enough to make me fall in love with him all over again.

These are the moments I live for. The moments he doesn't know are happening. He has no idea that I'm staring at him, but I am. For all he knows I'm asleep right now, but I'm not.

I lay my head down and tell myself to stop thinking about him. But I can't. Even telling myself to stop thinking about him is thinking about him in itself.

I'm crazy. I barely known this guy and I have such strong feelings for him. There is no way I feel so much for him in such little time. It's just not plausible.

I look at him again. And he's looking right back at me.

I freeze. My breathing stops.

His eyes aren't fully open so I think he's not fully awake yet. I smile at him and somehow remember how to breathe.

He smiles back at me and closes his eyes with that smile still showing.

Every day is a new day that I fall for you.

After everyone woke up, Colton's and Katherine's parents came to pick them up and everyone left to where I was the only one left. Me and Bridget already planned for me to stay longer anyways.

I was so confused about all of these feelings that I feel towards Colton. I mean, I started having feelings for someone the second I saw them. I didn't know this could be possible. So I did the only logical thing I could think of at the moment. I went to my best friend for advice.

"Hey Bridget can I talk to you?" I ask.

"Sure," she replied. We went into her room so nobody could hear us and so we could get a little privacy. "Okay," she sat across from me in the floor and I knew I had her full attention.

"I kind of like this guy," I started, "and I don't know what to do about it."

I could tell she was excited to have this talk because her face lit up and she sat up straight and raised her eyebrows. "Well, who is it??" She asked anxiously.

I put my head down and smiled just thinking about him, "Colton," I say.

"Ah! Oh my gosh really?! I totally guessed it!" She was flailing her arms in the air in happiness, "You guys totally have something," she said.

You guys totally have something? What is she talking about? "What do you mean?"

"How you guys seem to look at each other. It's really sweet." I know that I find myself staring at him a lot, but he looks at me? I have never caught him staring at me. I don't think I have at least.

"Am I really that obvious?" I ask curling into a bawl.

Bridget puts her hand on my arm, telling me to sit up. "It's not just you, it's also him." I felt like a knife went through my gut. But it was a good stabbing feeling if that's possible. It sent butterflies soaring into my chest and all throughout me. "But yeah, kind of. It's probably not obvious to him. Men are thick headed." We both giggle a little.

I slowly raise my head up, with my hair in my face, and ask, "He looks at me?"

Bridget gave me this 'are you kidding me???' look, "Oh yeah."

"What do you think I should do?"

She thinks. "I think you should tell him. Nothing is going to happen if you don't take a chance."

This made me think. She has a very valid point. If I don't do anything about it, I might lose him. And that's the last thing I would ever want to happen. But what if I get rejected? What if doing this, ends up in me getting hurt?

All of these 'what if' questions race through my head all at once.

"But what would he want in a girl like me?"

"What could he not want?!" She lightly pushes my shoulder. "Look," she leans forward and stares me dead in the eye, "You're seriously awesome! You're funny, kind, pretty, and smart too!" I look down, doughting myself. "Seriously, what could he not see in you? And don't worry about rejection," this girl always finds a way to read my mind, "even if it doesn't happen, it won't end your life. You'll be sad for a while, but you can get over it. You're strong. I still think you should confront him."

"But he's three years younger than me. How would that work? And we go to different schools."

Bridget releases a huge breathe and looks at me with simpathy in her eyes. She puts her hand on my knee, "My great grandparts were 12 years apart in age. They had a happy marriage and my mom says that their married life was the epitome of love. It was an arranged marriage from young childhood too."

I look down at my lap again, doubting myself and my strength, again. "Morgan," Bridget rubs my knee, I look up at her, "I have a feeling you won't be rejected. And about the judging, if you love someone enough, it won't matter," she says in a soft tone.

All my life I've been judged. I've been bulldozed over so many times, treated like dirt, and every time I put myself out there and reach out to someone, I always end up getting hurt. When I think I'm ready, I get rejected. "You really think I should talk to him?"

"Oh yes."

I pause. "I'll think about it. But I don't know if I'm ready."

"I think you are."

"I don't know, I mean, I started liking him the second I saw him."

"Then I really think you are."

I pause to think about this. Again, she has a very valid point. I'm going to take some time to think about this. Maybe something will come of this, who knows.

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