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He sat at the table quietly waiting for Akira, since it was time Na'von to come home.

The house was clean, that was the way Melani would have kept it so he decided to keep it that way too.

"Hi Keantae," the kitchen door opened slightly "have you ate?"

he shook his head.

"I just put Na'von upstairs, he fell asleep in the car."

"she gave me the ring back Akira, she told me she needed a break. I let her go- i let her go and get into the crash i didn't stop her!" his voice muffled as he put his head into his hands.

"Keantae, you couldn't have stopped it they cut the breaks from her car and you know you never go in her car."

"I should have stopped her! I called her a bitch and didn't even help the situation." the guilt lived on his conscience.

"I don't agree with you calling her that, she's my daughter after all but couples argue Keantae me and Raymond argue to this day and we've been married 22 years."

"you didn't get into a crash and coma after an argument though did you? it should have been me Akira."

"don't say that, just be happy you didn't allow her to take Na'von in the heat of the moment you kept him safe, she's okay we know she'll wake up soon you guys love each other and can sort it out."

"but we can't because i fucked up again, i always do and i can't stop myself from ruing everything. she was warning me about my mum and i'm turning out just like her." his tears wet his face as if he'd just splashed water.

"what did you do?"

"i slept with someone else. but i don't remember it, i woke up in the bed she was naked and i was and it was obvious, but i just- i don't know what happened akira."

"so you think you were-?"

"i don't know i can't just say i was but she- i don't know i know i slept with someone who wasn't her and now she won't want me back."

"i'm not taking sides at all but you two aren't together at the moment, you've got to tell her when she wakes up and i'm sure you can sort it."

"she's not going to want me back."

"things happen in the heat of the moment, Makel didn't tell anyone when he did what he did with Kam and Jade not even his sister he just lived his life like a normal kid and here you are sat like you're a murderer ." she chuckled.

his stomach bubbled, he was a murderer.

"you'll be fine, make sure you eat something and don't just be acting differently to Navz he needs you too."

he nodded then waited till he heard the front door close.

he went into the living room to watch tv to pass time and wait for Na'von to wake up.

The hospital

She had woken up just like they said she would, soon didn't seem as fast because 3 weeks took a long time to come.

Everyone had come to visit now it was his turn, he planned on telling her everything just to get it out of the way.

He brought the pram just because he knew Na'von would fall asleep.

"Good blood pressure, can i get you anything?" the nurse asked.

"um.. can i have something to eat? like a sandwich?" her voice was quiet as if she'd been crying.

"of course i have a few patients it it okay if you wait 20 minutes?"

she nodded "yeah."

she left the room now leaving them.

"has he been okay?"

"yeah of course, he talked about you so much he drew a lot of pictures and built you bare stuff."

"you think he would have wanted a sibling, not now though.."

"what kid doesn't to be honest? he has Tia and Khari, i have to tell you something while you where in-"

"i miscarried tae.."


*End of chapter

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