The Cave

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                                                                                 Venom Impulsers

My heart stopped beating along with the scorching burn. I didn't know if I should feel terror or relief-Bella

Chapter 1-The Cave

Bella pov-October 1 2010

My mind was scattered, I couldn't comprehend the pain.

It felt as if someone was slowly peeling off a layer of my skin and then pouring alcohol over the exposed skin. The pain was internal too. Throbbing beats of fire, my blood boiled, and my veins throbbed with the intense burn.

Minutes, hours, days, weeks, mouths, long would this torture last?

Was I dead?

Did everyone die like this?

I have done nothing!

I'm the victim.

"Shhh, I'm sorry. Please forgive me." A man's voice begged.

I felt myself being lifted into arms and felt the wind hit past my skin.

We were moving.

To where, I was unsure of.

I whimpered, the wind making the pain much more concentrated.

"We're almost there." The man's velvety voice whispered softly into my ear.

Moments later I felt myself being rested onto a hard ridged floor. I curled into a ball, crying and screaming in pain.

What have I done to deserve this!

Suddenly I felt coldness.

I sighed and instantly pressed my flaming skin against it. I could feel the corners of my mouth turn upwards as I felt a little bit of relief. I could tell I was being held, as huge arms engulfed me in coolness.

Even though my skin was cooling I could still feel the scorching heat running through my veins, taking over my body but at least my skin was cooling and not burning.

My mind went blank and once again I fell unconscious, leaving myself vulnerable to this stranger.

I awoke to my frantic heart, beating faster than a humming bird's wings. I started gasping for air, as my heart became frenzied. My back arched and I shrieked out loud, my nails digging into hard rock.

"It's going to be okay. " The man's voice murmured quietly. I wanted to scream at him.

How in the world am I going to be okay? I'm burning from the inside out!

Again the man whispered as if feeling my frustration. "It's almost over." The man's voice said over my tortured pleas.

Relief soared through my body; my punishment was soon coming to an end.

I just hope I wouldn't wake up to find myself in hell. Another wave of aching heat rushed through me. I wheezed for breath. My hands hit something and then I felt soft wild hair grasped in my hands.

"Hey!" I heard the man cry out. I used that as leverage to stand up. I staggered as I stood up, my eyes were zooming in and out and everything was extremely blurry.

I needed to escape this pain!

I saw the man come into my line of sight. "You need to sit down." He said anxiously. "Please." I could not make out his face, the room was dark and everything was moving.

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