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Todoroki POV

My eyes opened slowly.

The sun was shining on one side of my face, causing it to feel uncomfortably hot. 

I was half awake and started taking in my surroundings. I felt something tugging at my hair, I opened my eyes a little wider and squinted up at Dabi casually playing with my hair, his eyes were closed. 

I pretended to be asleep, enjoying the feeling. 

Normally mornings are a rough time for me since I always had trouble resting due to my nightmares. 

Something was different about this morning.

This time I was at peace, happy even. 

I felt so content, as if my mind and body were a calm sea.

I was starting to awaken completely, a warm feeling spreading to the inside of my body. 

I felt flushed when I noticed the position we were in, the strange feeling from before rushing back and flowing throughout my entire body. 

My body was laying on top of his. My arms were placed on either side of his torso, my head almost under his chin and one of my legs was casually draped over his thigh. 

He felt so warm, like a furnace, must be because of his quirk. I hadn't noticed it before. My quirk leaves my body temperature unusually low, probably due to the fact that I've mostly used my mother's side all my life up until now. 

I felt my face relaxing into a small smile, enjoying the heat of his body when I heard him chuckle.

"You're finally awake." 

He tried getting up but I instinctively pressed more of my body weight onto him, forcing him to stay down. 

"We have to get up, Sho" He cooed into my ear, causing me to shiver. 

I shook my head and buried my face in his chest. 

"Hmm... I'll cook for you." 

I perked my head up at the proposition. I stared at his face. 


Dabi was moving around his kitchen, grabbing ingredients and opening cupboards. I wasn't paying much attention to exactly what he was doing, I was mostly just watching him move about. 

I was sitting down on his couch, my back slouched.

I felt like shit. 

I'm definitely not a morning person. 

But there was something was very different about this morning...

My body was feeling significantly better, but so was my mind. I had a good dream and woke up in peace. 

Then the realization of my actions last night hit me like a ton of bricks. 

I can't believe I was so friendly... maybe even more than friendly. 

And the way he held me. 

I'm starting to change, turning back into my happier, more playful self I used to be when I was younger. 

When I was with Touya.

I was brought out of my thoughts by Dabi calling me over. He told me to sit down and pointed to a bar stool behind the kitchen counter while he handed me a plate with a very delicious looking omelet. He stood across from me, arms crossed and leaning on the edge of the counter. 

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