Dangerous Thoughts

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Dabi POV

Goddamn beast.

I was searching for the escaped Nomu bastard, trudging over a rooftop when I stopped, hearing its screech. 


I ran towards the direction of the noise and looked below, seeing the Nomu being scorched by flames along with another person lying on the ground. Hm, he must be either dead or unconscious. I surveyed the other one before determining a stagey. I couldn't get a clear view of him due to his flames covering most of his body and the surrounding area, but even from here I got a feeling I've seen him somewhere before... and those flames. From what I could tell he was injured and exhausted from using his quirk so much, as a fellow flame quirk user I should know.

This should be a piece of cake  I thought as I jumped from the roof, startling the boy. I quickly glanced over towards the other one. 

Still out like a light


That green hair... he must be the kid Tomura wanted so badly. Ah, my lucky day. I get to scorch two birds with one flame. I was so delighted I could almost smile, almost. 

I started slowly making my way towards him, relishing in the expression on his face. However as I got closer it dawned on me why he looked so familiar. No, it couldn't be. Could it?


After leaving him to tend to the green haired boy I resided back to the rooftops, only stopping once to briefly glance back at Shoto. I didn't notice my frown as the green haired boy's arms were around him, holding onto him so tightly.



While walking through alleys and streets with no particular destination in mind, my thoughts were racing. First there were the harmless thoughts.

I haven't seen him in so long. He's grown up so much. I wonder how he's doing.

Then there were the dangerous thoughts. 

I wanted to be near him again... and not have him look at me with the cliché look any hero gives a villain. 

I sighed deeply, running a hand through my hair while walking onto a familiar dimly lit street. The sun was starting to set but I still couldn't stop thinking about Shoto. 

I wanted so badly to just forget the whole encounter and pretend I never met him. However, that was proving to be difficult. I just couldn't get the boy out of my head, I wanted to get closer to him for some reason. 

Just then the universe must've heard me cause I saw a very tired looking Shoto walking on the street across from me in the opposite direction. He didn't seem to notice me so I stepped into a dark alley nearby and waited patiently for him to walk past. I couldn't help but chuckle to myself at him dragging his feet and yawning. Suddenly a thought hit me. It's dangerous for him to be alone in the state he's in. Shoto's figure was starting to get farther away while I stood there fighting an internal battle on whether I should go home or follow him to make sure he returns safely. However, the latter won. 

Damnit Dabi, what are you doing? 

I sighed, following him back silently back to his dorm. 

Well Shoto, congratulations. You've officially turned me into a creep.

After a few silent minutes of walking I saw him approach the dark dorms while I dashed behind a nearby tree and waited. Suddenly, a light in a room came on and I could just barely make out his figure stumbling around. 

Well at least he was safe.

Before I could turn around to walk away this new urge to stay and make sure he slept overtook me, and what the hell can I say? I'm weak.

I inched closer towards his lit room and crouched down, watching patiently as he got ready for bed. First he entered a room and came out with a towel around his slim waist and his hair damp. I frowned at the sight of bruises and cuts on his pale body. I then looked away, wanting to give him some privacy as he changed, though I will admit I snuck a few glances in, respectfully of course. I am still a man after all. 

I continued watching from a distance as Shoto laid down in his bed and held something small towards his chest. After a while he tossed and turned. 

So cute.

 He's having trouble sleeping. Must be too busy thinking about my handsome self. 

The corner of my mouth turned up as I saw him lift his body up on his elbows, hair all messy, and rearrange his pillows and pull the blanket closer to his body.

Baby bro, you're adorable, I chuckled to myself and then frowned. 

Hm, that doesn't sound right for some reason.

After a while I decided to leave and head back to my apartment for some shut eye. 


I opened the door, kicked off my boots and collapsed on the edge of the giant bed in exhaustion.


When I woke up the first thought on my mind was Shoto. 

I wanna see him again.

It didn't take long for me to shower, eat a small breakfast and then get dressed. On my way out the door I stretched my hands up to the frame, sighing contentedly at the 'pop' sound my spine made. 

Ah, might as well get a drink first.

I started making my way down an alleyway once I cleared the building and saw people wandering about, since crowds aren't really my thing, and headed towards the League base. 

I finally arrived, walking through the door and sitting down on one of the bar stools, looking up at the warped figure in front of me. 

"Surprise me, Kurogiri." He nodded, handing me a Red Bull. I looked around, sipping at the drink, "It's awfully lonely here today, where is everyone?" "Everyone's out preparing for the upcoming mission except Tomura. He's been in his room all day." Probably rubbing one out to a picture of the green haired kid.

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