Unexpected Comfort

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Todoroki POV

I shielded my eyes from the blinding light creeping in through the window with my arm, wondering why I was awake. Just then Midoriya lightly knocked on my door, "Todoroki? Are you up?". I groaned loudly in response, turning over and burying my head in my pillows. I could hear a muffled giggle through the door as he opened it and sat down on the edge of my bed, causing it to shift to one side. 

"C'mon Todoroki we had plans today!" He said cheerfully, pulling at my blanket but I held onto it tightly. He huffed, "Don't make me get Kacchan-" "I was summoned, nerd?" Bakugo answered, I opened my eyes a little to see him leaning against my door frame with his arms crossed. Midoriya looked over at him with a smile. "Kacchan! Help me, please?" 


A few minutes later of Bakugo yelling and Midoriya pulling at my legs and arms and I was on the floor with the blanket draped over my body, hating life. 

"Come on Todoroki! It's almost 11! I'm hungry!" Midoriya pouted, his stomach grumbling a little. I felt bad and also realized he wouldn't leave me alone until I got up so I nodded and sleepily stood up, walking over to my bathroom and splashing my face with some cold water, trying to wash the sleepiness off. 

When I walked out they were gone. I closed the door, got changed into a loose dark blue shirt and grey sweatpants and made my bed. Once I was finished I looked back, making sure everything was in order before walking through the door. The hallway was relatively deserted except for Kirishima and Kaminari, they gave me a wave and a smile and I returned the gesture. Everyone else must be in the living area or outside, it is the weekend after all. I scowled, weekends are meant for sleeping in. I spotted Midoriya talking to Bakugo in a section of the hallway. Midoriya had his arms tightly wrapped around Bakugo while the blonde was soothingly rubbing his back. Their faces were inches apart and Midoriya had a bright smile on his face while Bakugo also had the ghost of a genuine smile on his. They looked so engulfed in one another.

 I wonder what that feels like. 

They spotted me, Midoriya giving his boyfriend a quick peck on the cheek before sprinting towards me and smiling cheerfully. He has way too much energy. "Alright, ready? Try not to look like I'm kidnapping you Todoroki, you agreed to this last week." "but you are kidnapping me, I just wanna sleep." He ignored me and we started walking out the building and towards our destination. 

The walk to the small café went by quickly, mostly due to the fact that Midoriya talked my ear off the entire way. I was too tired to answer in complete sentences so I mostly nodded at what he said. 

I wanna go home. 

We sat down at a white two seater table outside. The sun was high in the sky and the heat wasn't unbearable since there was a cool breeze in the air. A waitress came by and took our order, she kept staring at Midoriya which I thought was strange. I started taking in our surroundings. We were the only people outside and the café itself was quite beautiful. The entire outside area was decorated in tropical flowers with a mermaid water fountain in the middle. The café itself was a small white building with mesmerizing mermaid paintings covering most of it. One side completely covered in vines and little flower pots hanging near the black door. As we waited for our food to arrive Midoriya continued rambling but I was starting to zone him out, my lids getting heavy with sleepiness. But something snapped me out of my almost nap. 

I couldn't shake the feeling that I was being watched.

Could it be a villain?

I slowly glanced around, making sure it wasn't obvious I knew I was being watched.

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