(Above - Julie) Chapter Four

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This chapter is dedicated to my AWESOME PARENTS! Love you mom and dad!

15 years ago...
Mollie looked lovingly at the beautiful, red head twins in the lacy white bassinet. A boy and a girl; Ethan and Sadie. "They're so beautiful," Prince Gabriel came up behind her and held her shoulders. He kissed her cheek and left the room sadly, leaving her alone with her beautiful children. She had recently told him that their first child would be taken by Rumplestiltskin. Luckily, he wasn't angry. Just sad. There was a green puff of glittery smoke, and Rumplestiltskin appeared in front of her. "POOF!" He waved his arms in wide gestures happily.

Mollie stepped protectively in front of her two children. "No," she tried, "The deal's off. I'll give you anything else. Gold! I'll give you gold!" She was desperate. She couldn't hand over her children. "Oh! Twins!" He jumped in happy circles around the bassinet. "No!" She hovered over the two children and glared up at Rumplestiltskin. "You can't take them!" She picked the children up and cradled them close so he couldn't get even near them. "Oh, dear! I don't want both!" He paused, caressing Ethan's face. "Only one." Mollie pulled Ethan away protectively. "Over my dead body." Mollie's voice was shaking. Sadie started to cry. "Aaahhhh!" Rumplestiltskin said as if he had just found a chest of buried treasure. He clasped his hands together happily. "I shall take the feisty one!" He pointed his fingers at Sadie and she was instantly in his arms. "Her name?" He asked. Mollie wiped the tears from her eyes. "Sadie." She kissed Sadie's forehead and turned her back. "It was our deal," Rumplestiltskin said quietly. He then disappeared, without the happy POOF.


Present Day
I went back to my room and picked up the crashed computer. It was still flashing the same words in different colors. I decided to bring it to Sadie.

When I got to her apartment, I knocked on the door and her dad opened it. He saw me holding the open computer and read the words on it. His face got deathly pale. He looked at me closely, yelled in alarm, and slammed the door in my face. I heard the door latch and him breathing heavily on the other side. "Sadie! You can't be near that boy, Ethan, anymore! I forbid it!" I heard him screaming through the house. "Sadie!" I yelled as I pounded on the door. "Why?" She asked him angrily. "Because... Because I said so!" He was still breathing heavily, and he seemed panicked. "Your grounded!"

"What? I didn't even freakin' do anything!"

"Go to your room!"


"Yes! What are you doing?!"

"Leaving! I didn't do anything wrong and you're freakin' grounding me! What is the matter with you!" I heard her slam something down, then the door opened and she came out, her face red and her hands balled in fists.

"I'm just trying to protect you, Sadie!" Her dad pleaded. She whirreled around, her hair flying out to the sides. "From WHAT?" She screamed so loud my teeth rattled.

"I live in this damn apartment building with tons of friends! I'm always surrounded by someone bigger and stronger than me to protect me! I'm protected! Isn't that why you enrolled me in advanced martial arts, huh? To protect myself?" She threw a few swift air kicks and punches in his direction. "I don't need protecting! I'm safe! Leave me alone! I've dealt with this for my whole life! And I feel bad that Ethan has to watch me explode, but I'm getting rid of 15 years worth of held-in anger, here! It's not gonna be pretty!" She was seething. I stood there, stunned, gripping my laptop with white knuckles. "Get back in here!"

"You can't tell me what to do!"

"Yes I can! I'm your damn father!"

There was dead silence while we all awaited Sadie's reply. Her face turned from red to white as she thought of a good come back. She seemed to decide what she was going to say wasn't too harsh, and went along with it.

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