(Above - Sadie) Chapter Two

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This chapter is dedicated to my BESTEST friend; Karisa. She is pictured in chapter twelve. <3

22 years ago...
Mollie watched as Rumplestiltskin spun the last piece of dreaded straw to pure gold. Through the tiny, grimy window, the sunrise shone through in thin yellow shafts. Mollie rubbed the sleep from her eyes and grinned at the five huge piles of thin gold strands in front of her. "Oh Rumplestiltskin! Thank you..." Rumplestiltskin held up his huge hands. They were red and blistered from running the endless supply of straw through the mahogany wheel. "Just remember our deal," he said. Then he clapped twice, screamed, "POOF!", and disappeared in a cloud of green sparkly mist. Mollie remembered their deal, and started to cry. It was the perfect example of bitter-sweet. A knight walked in followed by a very handsome Prince and the regal looking King. "Has she done it?" asked the King. "She has," said the knight. The Prince stepped foreword and viewed the five piles of gold, and stated, "I shall marry this maiden!" he took her hand and grinned. Mollie was astonished. "M-marry me?" she asked, her knees feeling shaky. "Yes, ma'am. Now, what's your name again?" he asked, raising his eyebrows. "Mollie..." Mollie said hesitantly. "Mollie! I am marrying you tomorrow!" he gestured wildly and happily, then left the room to go tell everyone. The King grinned. "I've been nagging him for ages." he said. Then he left the room also, followed by the knight, who looked behind him apologetically as he went. Mollie, who didn't need the apologetic glance, jumped in the air happily.


Present Day...
I shoved the key into the keyhole and pushed the door open. When it swung to the side, I walked in and saw the tiniest living room ever, connected to the tiniest kitchen I'd ever come across. Then I saw the tiniest bathroom connected to the other side of the living room, then two very, very tiny bedrooms. Everything was super tiny. I dumped the box on the ground and turned around, leaving the apartment door slightly ajar for the movers and mom.

I met Mom going into the elevator. "Hey, Mom," I said. "Can I go to the fire escape in an hour? I met some new friends and they asked me to hang out," I said. There was excruciating silence as she pondered whether she should let me or not, then she finally agreed. But only if I would help unpack with her. "Yeah, sure." I said.


When the hour was finally up, I ran out the door and down the hallway to the window leading out to the fire escape. I shoved it open and climbed out. Sadie was there smoking a cigarette, alone. "Hey!" She said happily. She slid down the stairs and wrapped me in a bear hug like we'd known each other for years. "What's up?" She asked, settling back in her spot on the staircase and flicking some ash to the sidewalk below. "Nothin," I replied half-heartedly, watching the ash float in lazy circles around us. We literally looked like siblings, that's how much we looked alike. She had my nose, my mouth, my laugh. Even all the freckles. And not to mention the hair. The same exact hair.

Both our eyes were that hazel-green color and we had the same sense of humor. The one thing that kept me from believing we were twins was her personality. She was so crazy and talkative and couldn't stop laughing at anything. She was almost exhausting to be around. But it was super fun to hear all of her animated stories and just the sound of her loud voice. I looked up and realized that she was asking me something. "Huh?" I asked, embarrased. "I said, have you seen my phone? I can't find it." I instantly reached into her hoodie pocket because that's where Tomas put it when he was messing with her. It was there, so I pulled it out and handed it to her. She laughed and took it. "Thanks," she said as she activated the screen. "I'm gonna text all the others and see where they're at." the second she said that, Dane, Harper, and Tomas climbed out. "Hey!" Sadie said happily. "I was just about to text you!" Dane gave her a hug and sat down above her. Harper sat down next to me and Tomas sat below us all. Sadie swung her leg up around the railing like she had when I first saw her.

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