Chapter 5

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It’s been half an hour when Taemin finally caught me because I was so tired of running around and because it was becoming painful to breathe. Walking into Kyungsoo’s room I closed the door and out came Kyungsoo from his bathroom with a towel around his waist going for his amity clothes.

Being me lol I went behind him and hugged him tightly. His wet creamy skin I wanted to mark it badly to my innocent Kyungsoo.

“Jongin what are you doing I need to get changed!” he whined trying to take off my arms but he couldn’t do it because I am a hugger and I will hug you to death.

“No can do Kyungie, you making me hard,” I whined feeling myself become hard in my pants which he blushed. I began nibbling on his skin on his neck and he moaned quietly, wanting more I pushed him onto the bed and bend down slowly trying to avoid the pain I began kissing him on his pink delicious lips which he responded wrapping his arms around my neck.

Going in for more I felt the wind come out of nowhere when I was flipped onto my back frozen in place. When I had the idea to move again my hands were both tied to the bed posts and Kyungsoo gave me this innocent smile, oh who am I kidding he isn’t innocent at all! I never knew this side to him; he sat on my crotch grinding on me with this sinister smile on his face making me gulp.

“Someone has been a naughty boy,” Soo laughed and I still didn’t know how I could not of seen this.

“I was so not expecting this from you,” I replied and he laughs coming closer to my face.

“Well there was a nickname I get called at times, they used to call me SatanSoo, keep that in mind next time and speaking of you being naughty,” Kyungsoo gets off me still tied up and begins doing a strip tease in front of me.

“No teasing me Soo!” I whined he is so getting it when I get out of these!


Hmmm,” I was humming playing the keys on the piano feeling very happy especially with the conversation from before with Mrs Lee. I had been adding lyrics to the song which was hard but I managed to continue more of it. Hands placed themselves on top of mine and I looked up to see Tae smiling at me leaning down for a kiss.

He comes next to me and stares at the music notes on the music sheet. “You done more of the song!” his eyes shined which made my heart flutter like there were butterflies inside of me.

“Yeah it’s a working process but I am hoping it would be good,” he hugs me tightly and happiness.

“Anything you do is going to make me happy Minho sing some for me pleaseeee!” he did his aeygo. “Buing Buing,” oh dang it, I guess I will. Getting the music sheet ready I started playing the piano.

“Nobody sees, Nobody knows, we are a secret can’t be exposed, that’s how it is, that’s how it goes, far from the others, close to each other,” Taemin began singing the verse I had already done last few days ago.

“In the daylight, in the daylight, when the sun is shining, on the late night, on the late night, when the moon is blinding, in the plain sight, plain sight, like stars in hiding, you and I burn on, on,” I finished and he claps happily. I was never a person to show off my private work to others  especially being raised with someone like my father, ever since mother died he had always been forceful telling me I was an embarrassment to others and I had to hide away in my room when visitors so he doesn’t feel embarrassed.

Insurgent (sequel to Divergent 2min) Book 2 (boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now