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Did you really think you could cause me pain
Stepped on the track right in front of the train
Now it's only shame that you're feeling
So unexpected, the tables have turned
-Michelle Williams-


Staying in bed for the whole week was exhausting. Inej would come and check in with my leg here and there. She'd change the splint, make sure it was healing fine, then be off on her way. Jesper would usually come by with meals. Kaz would just lurk whenever Jesper came. He wouldn't say anything, he'd just note my interaction with Jesper and then leave with him.

It wasn't until after three days that he came to visit just by himself. A curt knock and the familiar thud of his cane against the floor told me that it was him. He walked in and stood at the edge of the bed.

"Are you going to be able to walk by this weekend, that's tomorrow." He asked. I think that was his way of asking 'how are you feeling'.

"Inej says I can't fully support myself, but I have this..." I reached over where I kept my makeshift walking stick. I pulled it out and flourished it in front of him.

"What is that?" His eyes lit up in amusement.

"It's my cane." I defended. Kaz made a weird face, as if trying to stop from smiling. Was the Bastard of the Barrel smiling?

"That's not a cane, that's a long toothpick." He scoffed.

"I will have you know, it is perfectly capable of supporting me just as your cane is." I retorted.

"There is no comparison between my cane and that." He pointed.

"We'll see tomorrow." I shrugged, putting my cane away.

"I bet you 50 kruge that thing will snap along the way." He betted.

"Deal." I extended my hand for his to shake, before remembering he never shook hands. "Oh-" I started to retract my hand, but he reached forward to grip it.

"Deal." He smirked, shaking it. I smiled back. He let go of my hand and stepped back, starting to walk away towards the door.

"Be ready tomorrow morning at 8:00 am." He called back as a final reminder.

"Why so early?" I whined plopping back in bed.

"Because." He said before closing the door and leaving. I huffed, looking at the clock. It was pretty late already, in order to wake up at 7:00, I should be asleep by now. I snuggled into my bed for the night, a smug feeling blooming in my chest. It didn't matter what time I had to wake up. By the end of tomorrow, I would be 50 Kruge richer.


My alarm jolted me out of sleep the next morning. I grudgingly turned it off, lying back in bed staring at the ceiling. The longest part of my morning routine was deciding to actually get up off my bed. I sat up in bed, rubbing the sleep out of my eyes. I stood up from my bed, wincing as my bad leg hit the floor. I shuffled over to the bathroom to get ready, hopping on one leg.

I soon realized how much I actually needed my cane to walk. My leg was nowhere near healed enough. I could barely walk without the cane, much less run. Hopefully, we wouldn't have to deal with any trouble today.

Once I was out of the bathroom, it was 7:45. Just enough time for me to catch breakfast downstairs. I grabbed my walking stick and made my way to the door. I grumbled as I noticed the obstacle ahead. Stairs.

I trudged down them, making my way slowly, cursing a lot. Once I reached the bottom, I made my way directly to the bar. I sat down and sighed, grumbling. A tray slid in front of me.

Dirtyhands {Kaz Brekker X OC}Where stories live. Discover now