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And I realize the blame is on me
'Cause I know you were
trouble when you walked
-Taylor Swift-


It was the dreaded day when Mr. Rollins told me to pack what little I had and left me at the footsteps of the House of Exotics, more popularly known as the Menagerie. The sun was setting over the horizon, an odd hour to start my new job.

He had not told me what new job would be like or what would be expected of me here. But he was really happy dropping me off, which could mean nothing good. Nonetheless, I entered the lit-up, bright, building in front of me. As I entered, I was immediately hit by a strong wave of fragrance. It was heavy and exotic, and my eyes dropped inhaling it for a few minutes.

I looked around to see where I was supposed to go. A sign pointed to Tante Heleen's office, and I followed it. In one hand I clutched a small bag with my clothes. In the other I held a letter. It was written and signed by Mr. Rollins. I knocked on the office door and waited with bated breath.

"Come in." A voice called from the inside. I opened the door to find a large, elaborated room. There were multiple closed doors that possibly led to deeper inside. There was a desk in the center behind which sat a woman. She was adorned in blue, green, and purple feathers. Something I felt I had seen before, but I brushed the thought aside. The air in here was humid and warm. "What do you want girl?" Heleen's voice jarred me back to reality.

"I have this letter from Mr. Rollins." I held up the piece of paper. Heleen's eyes narrowed down at my hand. A devilish grin spread across her face. She motioned me to come nearer. I walked over and handed it to her.

She took it from my hands and opened it up. I watched her face as she read through it. Her grin only got wider. "My my, Jae... you are... quite the investment." She muttered. "I think the wait was worth it." She looked up at me from the page. She clapped twice and two women appeared from one of the doorways.

Heleen got up from her seat and strode to the other side of her desk, standing a few feet away from me. She perked up her eyebrow as she examined me... well more of my body. As her eyes roamed freely across my frame, I crossed my arms, feeling subconscious and uncomfortable.

Heleen motioned over the two girls. "Ladies, please get... hmm..." She paused, then a crooked smile grew on her face, "...The Swan ready for her work tonight." The Swan? I thought to myself. Did everyone here have code names? What "work" was she referring to? Would I just be a servant to her now?

All these questions and a lot more puzzled in my head as I was led through a doorway. This new room was much more lit up and mirrors covered the walls. Along with me, there were many other girls rushing around. Some were putting on makeup, some were fixing their clothes, and some were... bandaging and mending their bloody wounds.

It made me queasy seeing their cuts and bruises.

Despite all the work and poor treatment at Mr. Rollins' house, I had never gotten injured. But here... it seemed like it was more common. The two ladies that brought me in went straight to work. One went to the racks of clothing and started shuffling them, looking for something. The other pushed me into a curtained room and started tugging at the hem of my shirt, trying to pull it off.

I gasped and pushed her hand away, backing away from her. "What are you doing?" I demanded. She didn't look offended... just bored. As if she'd seen this happen a lot before.

"My name's Marie. My accomplice is Janice. We have to get you changed for tonight." She explained. As if on cue, the girl she proclaimed was Janice walked in with a white, feathery outfit in her hand. I looked at the sparkly, tight, revealing fabric she clutched.

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