Chapter 13

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I was shocked. Percy had been betrayed, a lot? And now Harry and Scarlett hated me? I put my head in my hands and groaned. I messed up. Really bad.

Hermione's Point of View:

I remembered every moment.

I yelled, "DIFFINDO!"

Percy had no idea what it did, but it seemed dangerous. He deflected it, and nodded to Scarlett. Scarlett nodded back and jumped onto a tree, with her bow at the ready. 

Percy and Harry slowly stalked up, and got me and Ron focused on them.

"NOW!" Percy yelled. At that very second, Scarlett nodded and shot a arrow at me. As soon as it touched me I felt pain. Worse than a crucio. I dropped to the ground, writhing with immense pain. It felt like a thousand  knives were stabbing every part of my body. I felt tears prickle my eyes. I don't know how long I managed to stay up, but I saw them leave. 

I wanted to blame them, but I knew this was my fault. If I hadn't yelled at them, then I wouldn't be here. I knew what I had to do. But somehow, it felt like I was being possessed.

I knew that I would have to face them, sooner or later, so I went in search of them. I looked everywhere, and I saw everyone but them. I cursed myself, it was a Saturday, and it was a Hogsmeade day. I knew that Harry and Scarlett would probably sneak out, but Percy? Where would he be?

I went to the great lake and saw him there. He looked almost heartbroken. I wonder what that's about. I walked up to him and sat beside him. 

"I'm sorry." It seemed at that moment, he finally noticed me. 

"What for? Shouldn't I be the one apologizing?" Percy asked, seeming very confused. 

"No you shouldn't. If I hadn't lost control, this wouldn't have happened. I don't know what came over me, because at breakfast Professor Dumbledore asked me to meet him. When I got there, he asked me about my studies, while holding eye contact. After, it felt like I wasn't even myself." I said.

He turned around, looking startled. 

"I think you might be possessed by him. So, it wasn't even you're fault, but we need to go to Gringotts. And, you're forgiven." He added with a small smile. He got up, and I tackled him in a hug. He simply laughed. 

"Do you know how to apparate?" I nodded, not understanding where he was going with this.

"I need you to apparate us to Gringotts"

{A/N Sorry for leaving you on a cliffhanger on this short chapter, but I've been really busy, and I will try to update when I can.  

Question of the day: How are Percy and Annabeth related?

Also, firewhiskey or butterbeer?

Love you all!

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 07, 2021 ⏰

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