Chapter 1

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I was finally out of Tartarus. Why you may ask, out of curiosity. 

Was I there alone?

Yes, I was.

Was I forced to?

No, I was not.

Am I going crazy?


          Okay, let me explain. The second giant war was over and I wanted to marry Annabeth. She was everything I lived for. I wanted to marry her, but her mom also known as Athena said that this little sea spawn (me) needed to prove myself. So, she gave me three tasks. Assuming I survived them all, she'd let me marry Annabeth. 

          The first one was to kill every monster in the sea of monsters. The second was to convince Demeter to let Persephone stay with Hades for another 2 months. It was not easy, trust me. The final task was to go through Tartarus and survive. I knew it was dangerous but I would go to any extent for Annabeth. I shook my head, and whistled, calling Blackjack. As gracefully as ever, Blackjack swooped in.

Hey Boss! Got any Donuts? I'm craving them. Blackjack said.

"No Blackjack, I don't have any. I was wondering if you could maybe drop me off at camp" I replied. 

Fine. But next time, you better have donuts. Blackjack replied sassily. 

I rolled my eyes and climbed onto his back. Blackjack quickly flew us to camp, at full speed. He got to Camp Half-Blood, went to the stables, ate a sugar cube ( Where did he get that?) and fell asleep. I reached into my pocket for the ring I got for Annabeth. It was beautiful. Crafted by Hephaestus himself.

                                                             ^^^^^The ring ^^^^^

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                                                             ^^^^^The ring ^^^^^

I saw a big crowd and out of curiosity decided to see what was happening. I walked - no ran and I saw at the one sight that made we want to die.

My heart shattered into a million pieces at the sight in front of me. I was filled with so many emotions, anger, rage, sadness, and worst of all, betrayal.

So that was my first chapter! Please tell me what you think. 

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