Chapter 3

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'Hes been through worse...?'

A sudden sound was made in the faculty room, and it was not the tears, sobs, and gasps of 2 particular teachers nor the comforting whispers of Iruma.

The door of the faculty room welcomed Irumas homeroom teacher, Kalego sensei. His presence temporarily attracted the attention of everyone in the room, the demon in question was used to the stares he gets when he enteres a room, since he had that effect, so he didnt think much of it, but once he took a good look at the room, what he saw  made something click.

Theres something about Iruma, his number 1 trouble magnet, comforting 2 of his collueges that made his core shake in an unkown feeling.

And then everything stopped for him.
"If anything you act like a grumpy cat than a dog for a Naberius."

The voice is annoyingly condesending, but I dont feel the normal resentment to demons who look down on me.

"Awww is the puppy upset? Did that big bad red cat order you around again?"


"Arent you a brave guard dog? The small puppy is all grown up."

Excuse you I am a grown man!

"Now I think its time you find someome to protect, and I have just the perfect master."

Wait so your not my master? I was under the implication that you are...

"Promise me, when the time comes where you have to choose between the 2 of us, you wont choose me."

Who was I supposed to choose?

"Protect those that cherish you, as payment to those who give you affection, I mean that what guard dogs do right?"

Naberius are loyal servants who protect their master and their home! We are not just simple guard dogs, we are direct descendants to Cerberus itself!

"We are going away for a while, so watch our home while were gone like a good doggy okay?"

Wait, what home am I supposed to protect?

"I promise, your master will come back, you just have to wait. Now, stay."

Who in the Netherworld is my master?!

"Goodbye! You wont be lonely for long I promise."

Ever since I have worked in this institution I have still to reunite with my master. You keep saying that you promise but where is my master now?!
Naberius are dedicated and loyal blue blooded demons, meaning that they are higher class demons who were groomed to serve demons of higher status, most of which are the 13 crowns and 3 elders. And some pf his anscenstors even served previous demon kings personaly.

Every memeber of the family will have to choose a master at the age of 5 and have their souls binded.

Kalego is a special case as he indeed has a master, whom still has their contract intact but the problem is that he does not recall who he was binded with. The reason for this was because of the long period in which they were seperated, and in order for his body to cope with the lonelines erased memories of his master. And with this he always has a gapping hole in his core, not having anything to fill it.

That is why he was upset beyond imagine when Iruma, nothing but a stuck up brat who has a talent of causing trouble without even realizing it made him his familiar. He already has a master -although not currently present and neglectful of their dog- and does not intend of serving another.

So why? Why did the sight of Iruma of all demons in the realm give him glimps of his hidden memories

Why him?!

He was frustrated to the core, he hated  Iruma. He dares to try and replace his precious master so why?

His emotions plus thoughts slipped through his control and accidentaly showed it in his aura.

Everyone in the room felt the tension, and Iruma -bless his soul- was the one that got full impact as it was directed at him.

He felt his knees weaken as he unconcously let go of the teachers in his embrace, who were to scared of Kalego to notice.

Iruma was scared. The look that Kalego had on his face reminded him of memories that he kept hidden in his mind as a way to protect himself.

Tears uncouncously fall on his face, as his eyes stayed wide open in fear and shock.

Kalego and Irumas gaze met, sending shivers down the little boys spine as Kalego was still unaware of his menacing glare.

The teacher took a step forward kick starting Irumas danger avoidance sense.

His first instict was to stand up as fast as possible, and run away to find a safer place. Away from the thing that turned on his danger alarms. Away from his familiar.

And thats exactly what he did.

He stood ubruptly from the floor and bolted out of there in top speed, catching everyone out of guard.

Before anyone could react the blue haired boy was no longer there.



Kalego was taken a back, he has never heard his batchmate yell with anger at him before. He so surprised that he took a step back out of instinct.

"So what? Kids run away from me all the time." Kalego said brushing it off as Balam having favorites and being influenced to being dramatic.

"But this time is different Naberius." Balam said, collecting himself.

"How so?" Kalego asked in a snarky tone

"We just found out that Iruma, the boy that fell on his knees with tears then ran away because you scared him, was clipped." Balam said in a heavy tone.

"Wait what?"

Okay so the info about the Naberius family ia purely from my imagination, and if someone has made something of simmilar concept of their family traditon means that I am unaware of them and is completly unintentiona and you are free to use my concept as long as I am credited somehow or this story.

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