Chapter 1(updated)

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Updated on June 2
For krystelshanecaro

Demons are cowards.

The bony pitch black appendages attached to every demon's back serves as their symbol of freedom, strength and identity as of today, their past forgotten as they were used as a tool for cowards to run away from enemies they refused to face in fear of defeat and shame. Their fragile pride ultimately blocks their path of greatness.

Their wings are what identifies them as the same kin, the species that survived by running away and waited until the ones at the top destroyed themselves until none stronger than demons existed and making sure it stays that way.

Upon the years that have come long and gone, the origins that they were rightfully shameful for faded through time.

Clipping one's wings is a statement. It's proclaiming to the entirety of the Netherworld that you are rejected from demon kind. That you are worse than the filth at the bottom of someone's shoe, just another speck of dirt to be brushed away.

Irrelevant and useless.


'Something terrible is about to happen. I can feel it.'

"Someone!!! this is bad news!" Balam had carried Iruma like a potato sack and brought him to the Teachers Lounge with haste.

"What's wrong?!" Asked Marbas sensei, the head of tourture arts, concern obvious in their tone with Robin in tow. They were surprised, the Balam they knew was timid so the situation must be dire to garner this reaction out of the gargoyle.

"Balam-sensei what seems to be-" Mononoki said, who just appeared out of nowhere, but is then cut off by Balam.

"This is bad!! This kid has no wings!"

"His wings?!" Said Mononoki

"He might've stored it into his back..." Marbas added.

Iruma who is still hanging on the Imaginary creature professor felt his heartbeat quicken. Fear and worry flooded his senses. He was still unprepared for their reactions, he didn't want this. It was supposed to come when he was ready to tell them, not like this. Sullivan, grandpa promised him as such when he got adopted.

He doesn't want things to change, he has yet to enjoy this rare time of peace in his life where he isn't ridiculed and abandoned. He still wants to enjoy the feeling of having companions, friends, family.

'I'm not ready yet!' Iruma thought tearfully, his body shaking, his already pale complexion becoming worse as his breaths were getting shorter by the minute. And going unnoticed by Balam who was too busy explaining what was happening to the staff present.

"There's no wing roots on his back either! Feel it for yourself...!" Balam said, shock and worry evident on his face which is a feat with his mask.

At this point the teachers that were present -most of the staff- expected for the young demon to start denying the others' claims, an awkward silence settled in the room as they waited for the students' response.

They were met with none as no one noticed the slight difference of breathing and pale face as they were too focused on his back rather than the child's face.

Balam then changed his grip on the boy, placing him down as Robin lifted Irumas uniform, just enough for his back to be revealed without fully exposing the child. Robin, who still hasn't let go of his grip of Irumas uniform, froze in shock.

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