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first day

not much happened that day. they mostly stayed at home, playing on their old gamecube. taeils girlfriend did however come over to eat dinner with the three of them.

second day

they visited their mother at the columbarium.

third day

nari met up with a few old friends at the center of the small town nearby where naris high school was located. she stood outside the café, cigarette between her lips when a tall boy with black hair that reached right above his shoulders came walking towards her. "hey excuse me, can i borrow your lighter?" nari nodded, grabbed the lighter from her pocket and lit up his cigarette for him.

the boy thanked her and inhaled the smoke into his lungs. "i have a feeling ive seen you before."

"yeah well its a small town."

"whats your name, lighter girl?"


the strangers eyes widen as be blew out the remaining smoke. "holy shit, moon nari? man i knew i recognized you from somewhere."

"im sorry but who are you again?"

"choi beomgyu. i was two classes below you in high school so you probably dont remember me." the girl thought about his name for a few seconds before a light bulb went off in her head. "yo i do remember you. youre the kid who asked me to go to prom with you two years before you even had prom."

beomgyu scracthed his nape. "yeah that was fucking embarrassing. anyway you know yeonjun right? i remember he told me he works with someone called moon nari. he didnt know i knew you though.."

"yeah thats right, hes my co worker."

"cool... listen do you have an insta or something? id love to take you out for a coffee sometime if youre up for it."

"oh uh im really flattered but i sorta have a boyfriend and im also leaving in two days so i cant. thank you for the offer though."

"oh my god right im so sorry for assuming! i figured id just shoot my shot for once." he giggled quietly while nari threw her cigarette to the ground and smashed it with her shoe. "its fine dont worry about it. i gotta go now but it was great seeing you again."

"yeah the feelings mutual."

fourth day

nari and her family celebrated christmas early with her grandparents, aunts, uncles and cousins. she got to borrow a charger from her cousin mirae and immediately texted hyuck with the time she'd get off the bus the next day. he asked her if she figured it out and she responded telling him he'd have to wait until they see each other again.

fifth and last day

first thing she did when she woke up was starting to pack her shit and for most of the day, she hung out with her dad and her brother. the hours flew by quickly and it was soon 19:00. she said her goodbyes and got on the bus. the two hours went by slowly but when she finally arrived and got off the bus, she first thing she saw was a boy staring at the snowflakes on his gloves. the nineteen year old noticed nari approaching him and his face lit up with joy, even though he was about to piss his pants out of nervousness.

"hey how was it?" he asked while she wrapped her arms around him, pulling him into a hug. "it was nice. great seeing my family again."

the two were silent for awhile before donghyuck opened his mouth again. "so um uh whats your.. uh.. answer.....?" his voice trembled. nari moved her warm hands up to his cold cheeks and moved a few hair strands from his forehead. "would it be alright if i kiss you?" she could feel his cheeks immediately heat up as they turned vermilion and he aggressively nodded. so she leaned in and placed a gentle kiss on lips.

happy haechan day <333

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happy haechan day <333

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