OVA: The Sweet Nostalgia

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Miki, Sakuya and Mirai went inside the gym where they see Akihiko sparring with Katsu, who noticed them and waved which turns Akihiko's attention to them.

Akihiko: Miki, Shiomi. What are you doing here??

Mirai steps up and gives Akihiko a boxed lunch with a bottle of protein in the side.

Mirai: Mom helped me into making this. So how does it taste, Uncle Aki??

Akihiko opened the lunch box and eats the tonkatsu meat which gives him a jolt and continued to eat. Then, he gives Mirai the boxed lunch back.

Akihiko: You did well, Mirai. Unlike your mom when she was younger, you have the potential of a master chef at such young age.

Miki puffed her cheeks which Sakuya found adorable to watch as he just witnessed a brother and little sister bonding.

Miki: Excuse me. I was inexperienced that time!!

Akihiko: So you admit you were a terrible cook back then??

Miki: Just so you know, i have improved.

Mirai saw her father and Katsu on the ring with punching gloves on their hands. Katsu readies himself as Sakuya prepares for a straight punch.

Katsu: Ok, Shiomi-san. I don't know if you do boxing but-

Katsu got cut off after Sakuya executed a punch to his face which terrified him as the glove is almost in front of his nose. Miki and Akihiko were suprised to see Sakuya's skill in boxing.

Akihiko: Shiomi, since when did you know how to do boxing??

Sakuya: I watched you fight and also had experience witnessing the brute strength of my lovely wife.

Miki: Hey, you flirted with me in front of everyone last night so i had to do it.

Sakuya: What can i say, I found you too cute so much that i had to do it.

Miki blushed then looked down.

Miki: Y-You mean it..

Sakuya: Yeah.

Katsu pointed at Sakuya and Miki flirting while talking with Akihiko.

Katsu: Are they always like that??

Akihiko sighs with a smile after crossing his arms

Akihiko: Leave them be. I trusted Shiomi to protect Miki so that she can have someone to rely to if us the seniors are gone.

Katsu: Eh is that so. Takahashi-chan, how was your bed experience with Shiomi-san??

Miki: Bed experience....???

Mirai: What does that mean, Mom??

Miki then recalls that one moment where she and Sakuya made noises in her bedroom back when they were just members of the Shadow Operatives because Miki invited him to come in. Said moment made Miki blush beet red.

Miki: Please stop. It's embarrassing...

Sakuya: S-Sanada-senpai. Please don't kill me...

Akihiko: Miki is your wife so im not going to kill you.

Sakuya noticed a lunch box on Miki's gym bag and eats it but then he froze after what Miki said.

Miki: Ah, Sakuya. That lasagna sauce on the rice has.... Mayonaise..

Sakuya felt his vision becoming blurry then his body hits the floor face first causing Mirai to shriek.

Mirai: Dad has been knocked out?!

Katsu: Just how deadly is Takahashi's cooking!!

Miki tries to shake Sakuya's body to wake him up but her husband didn't wake up no matter what his friends did.

(Timeskip brought to you by Sakuya and Miki eating Takoyaki wearing kimonos (Sakuya wears the kimono for girls in this timeskip cuz why not.))

Sakuya wakes up with his head rested on a pillow in the sofa. Aegis walks to his side after the robot saw him waking up.

Aegis: Miki-san is at the gym training and Mirai-san is with Makoto-san's family.

Sakuya sat up then clenches on his stomach.

Sakuya: Maybe i should not let Miki take over the kitchen...

Aegis: My scanner tells me you consumed one of Miki-san's monstrous cooking..

Sakuya: Y-Yeah....

Aegis: I advice that you must hide every Mayonaise in this house.

Aegis then jumps out of the window like a ninja after Sakuya recovered. Then in rebuilt Iwatodai Dorm, Shinjiro cooked a hamburger steak wearing the same pink apron for Koromaru, who now grown into a big dog.

Shinjiro began to feed Koromaru with the cooked hamburger steak and the dog barked happily. Then Mirai began to speak.

Mirai: Uncle Shinji, that smells so good.

Shinjiro turned to face Mirai after trying to hide the apron.

Shinjiro: H-Hey... How long have you been here..

Mirai: I came here to visit Koro-chan.

Mirai began to laugh after Koromaru tackled her to the ground and licks her affectionately. Shinji gives Mirai a plate of hamburger steak.

Mirai then consumed the dish with a smile on her face which made Shinji imagine that Miki in her Gekkoukan attire eating the dish.

Shinji speaks after Mirai asks him what is wrong.

Shinjiro: Nothing... It's just.. I saw you as your mom..

Mirai: Yeah.. Lots of people said that i look like mom including Dad.

Shinjiro: I bet you have an angelic voice like your dad.

Shinji then saw Akihiko walking down the stairs and their rivalry started to act up but Mirai's crying act made them panic and she laughed at their reaction.

(Another Timeskip brought to you by Miki cuddling her creator, Rena_789.)

Miki arrived in front of her house and took off her teacher's jacket then Miki went upstairs and noticed the door of her husband's room is open. She entered the room to see her husband laying down on his bed but Miki moved his head to rest on her lap.

Sakuya weakly wakes up and speaks.

Sakuya: H-Hey Miki... How's the gym work..

Miki: Feeling good after landing some hits. Um... Are you feeling well??

Sakuya smiled and then closed his eyes after yawning.

Sakuya: Y-Yeah.... I'm still recovering from the side effects..

Miki smiled which Sakuya finds captivating about her then Miki speaks.

Miki: Hey, Sakuya. Out of all the girls... why did you chose to marry me??

Sakuya answered with a warm smile.

Sakuya: Yukari has set her eyes on Makoto, Fuuka is ok being single, Mitsuru-san.. She's my guardian so im not allowed to marry her.. there is your answer.

Miki: I see.. Well time for me to make dinner!!

Sakuya: I-I'll do it!!

Sakuya gets up quickly then runs down to the kitchen where Mirai is sitting in one of the the kitchen table's chairs. Sakuya began cooking but paused when a memory of Makoto stabbing him from above appeared.

Sakuya: What was that....

After shrugging it off and continue cooking, the Shiomi's spent their dinner eating hotpot.

KaiTalk Time!

Kaitou: Sorry for the long day of not uploading new chapters. And what is this mysterious memory that Sakuya has experienced. Find out in future chapters.

Adieu, Readers!!

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