Chapter 28

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Half an hour later the rest of the Court of Dreams walked in, but I didn't look away from Ivy, my mate.

"Az," Mor said gently.

"She saved us all," I whispered.

"She killed the whole damn army is a matter of seconds and now her wings are gold," Cass half yelled, I snarled at him.

"Az, what is it?" Mor asked, coming to my side.

"She's my mate," I whispered, and her eyes filled with shock and joy.

"Oh Az, that is so amazing, I'm so happy for you!" She said, grinning.

"Is it really over?" I asked.

"It is really over," Feyre told me, coming to stand on my other side.

"What have the other High Lords said?" I asked Rhys.

"I don't give a damn, right now, I want to know why I feel like I have been ripped appart," Ivy grumbled, and all eyes snapped to her.

-Ivy's POV-

My whole body hurt, and I felt like I had just taken those seven arrows again.

"What have the other High Lords said?" Azriel asked someone else, his voice sliced through my head like a knife.

"I don't give a damn, right now, I want to know why I feel like I have been ripped appart," I groaned.

"You destroyed the whole of Hybern's army in one go," Azriel told me, voice soft.

"So, the war is over?" I asked.

"It's over," he confirmed.

"Please tell me I didn't hurt any of our allies," I said, still not opening my eyes.

"No, you even left me Amren and my sisters alone while killing the soldiers around us," Feyre voice said.

"Well, I'm glad you aren't dead," I said, smiling a little.

"Me too," Feyre laughed.

"There is something you should know," Azriel said, and I felt him sit on the cot next to my hip.

"What is it?" I asked, frowning a little but still not opening my eyes.

"You're wings are now gold, and you have this very strange power," he told me, and my eyes finally opened, golden wings?

I turned my head and sure enough, my wings were no longer black, they were a translucent gold.

"Now I really do look like an angel," I half laughed.

"You glowed like one as well," Mor said, and I blinked.

"I glowed?" I asked, I couldn't remember anything after the Illyrians getting destroyed and jumping off the cliff.

"Here, I'll show you," Rhys told me, and I knew what he meant.

I watched the whole scene then closed my mind once more.

"Wow, I really did glow, didn't i?" I asked, a little in awe of myself.

"Yes, you really did," Feyre said with a grin.

"so, am I allowed up?" I asked and Azriel smiled, taking my arm and helping me to my feet.

I swayed slightly but he kept me upright.

"Ok, Azriel's question still stands, what did the other High Lords say?" I asked as I looked at my family.

"let's go and find out, they are having a meeting as we speak." Rhys said and I grinned.

I walked by Azriel's side all the way to the large war tent, Rhys opened the flaps and all of the High Lords looked up.

"So glad you could finally show up," Beron growled.

"I just saved your sorry ass, the least you could do is be civil," I snarled, and he went red with anger.

"How?" Kallias asked me, and I knew what he meant.

"I was made, like Elain and Nesta, thrown into the cauldron, it made Elain a seer, Nesta has powers of some description and it made me and angel, five days ago I followed Feyre to talk to a suriel and it told me that I had powers there were locked away because I didn't trust myself and when I exploded the world needed to feel it, I did just that." I told not just the High Lords, but my family as well.

"You expect us to believe that you are an angel?" Tamlin snorted.

"I will take your lack of gratitude as left over resentment towards my family, but yes Tamlin, I am now an angel, if the gold wings weren't enough proof I'm sure I have enough magic left to show you properly," I told him, leaning against Azriel a little more.

"Prove it," he snarled, and I felt Rhys tense.

I took a step forwards, spreading my wings wide as I willed the glow to return to my body. there was a collective intake of breath as my light washed through the tent, i smiled a little before letting the glow fade and tucking my wings back in.

"Believe me now?" I asked and to my surprise, Tamlin mutely nodded.

"I don't know about you lot, but I am exhausted, bye," and with that I walked out of the tent, knowing that if I stayed to argue I would have just passed out.

Azriel held me against him as shadows pressed in an we appeared in my room of the Town House.

Exhaustion weighed heavily on my body, and I could feel myself falling, only to be caught before I could hit the floor.

Az lifted me into his arm and lay me gently on the bed.

"Sleep Ivy," he told me gently and I allowed my mind to drift off. 

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