Chapter 26

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-Ivy's POV-

Everything hurt, I felt like I had been crushed.

"Take it easy Ivy," Feyre's voice said, and I flicked my eyes open.

"Feyre?" I asked, my mind spinning.

"I'm here, Mor is here too, you're ok," she said gently, and I felt the cot I was on sink a little as she sat down.

"Who was that?" I asked, I hoped Feyre had killed her.

"Ianthe, also known as a raging pain in my ass and a lying traitor, but she is dead now, you don't have to worry." She told me as she took my hand.

"Did we win?" I muttered.

"We won," Mor told me, smiling a little.

"Why did you take those arrows for me?" Feyre asked, her voice breaking.

"Because you are my High Lady, and more importantly my family, I didn't want to see you hurt, or worse," I told her, squeezing her hand slightly.

"You know Feyre, you are technically her aunt," Mor said with a grin.

"Thanks, Mor," she mumbled.

"Is she really awake?" Rhys asked as he walked in, Cassian being helped along by Azriel.

"What happened to you?" I asked Cassian with a frown.

"Got gutted, nothing major." He replied, giving me a strained smile.

"I'd say that is pretty major," I told him with a frown.

"Says the female who took seven arrows willingly." He muttered.

"Stop it, both of you," Rhys sighed, and I smiled at him, my family.

"Do I want to know how long I've been out if Cassian recovered from getting gutted before me?" I asked as I pushed myself up, despite Feyre's protests.

"Five days, but as most of your blood is still in the forest I'm not surprised," Feyre told me, letting me lean against her when my body threatened to collapse.

"Don't remind me," I grumbled.

"You know kid, you are our niece too," Cassian said as he sat on a chair.

"I can't decide if that is a good thing or not yet." I told him with a smirk.

"She fits in perfectly," Mor said, grinning at Rhys who rolled his eyes.

"Because the whole court is awake now, we need to talk about the battle," Rhys said with a sigh.

"You include me as a part of your court?" I whispered; he gave me a soft smile.

"I meant what I said Ivy" he told me and Feyre squeezed my hand a little more.

A second later Amren walked in, book of breathings in hand.

'Hello little angel,' it hissed at me and I flinched at the voice.

"Shut up," Amren snapped at it.

"Why does the book talk?" I asked, rubbing at the headache that its voice had started.

"It called you an angel," Rhys said, looking at me in surprise.

"I've always been called an angel, my mother called me her little angle since I was born," I told him, I could see the cogs turning in his head, him putting Elain's riddle together.

"You are the angel Elain talked about," he said, I just dipped my chin slightly.

"What did Elain say?" Mor asked with a frown.

"The angel will save us all. The darkness that has descended will rise and with it the angel," I recited.

"How did you know it was you?" Amren asked.

"When Feyre and Rhys left she came and sat with me, she told me that I would rise." I said, looking down.

"This changes nothing, our plan for tomorrow stands," Rhys decided.

"What is happening tomorrow?" I asked, a little confused.

"The final battle," Feyre said gravely. 

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